Chapter Two 🌿 Flashback

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Daniel walked through the grassy field, searching the ground for a specific flower. It was small, pink, and had red stripes in the middle. Susan liked those flowers, so he wanted to find as many as he could. He was leaving soon, and he knew there was a chance he wouldn't come back. He would miss his little sister, and he knew she would miss him, too.
Susan always seemed so sad when he wasn't around. He knew that was probably because their mother yelled at her so much. He felt so bad for his little sister. He tried to spend as much time with her as he could, especially since he would have to leave for war in a matter of days.
After quite a bit of walking, Daniel came across a large patch of the flowers. He picked as many as he could hold, and headed back to the house. Susan was sitting outside drawing pictures in the dirt. It pained him to know that she hadn't even been told what dirt was until he came back from the last war.
He walked over to her and put on the gentlest smile he could. "Hey Su. I brought you some flowers," he said to her. She smiled and took them gently from his hands, holding them to her face and smelling the sweet aroma they gave off. Daniel smiled and hugged her. He hated that he couldn't help her.
Daniel was an orphan. He used to live alone on the streets, begging for food and money. One day, however, a man and a woman took him in and raised him. While he was with them, they had a baby girl. They couldn't think of a name, so Daniel offered to name her. When they accepted, he named her Susan.
Not long after she was born, the woman became ill. She passed away within a month. The man was devastated, and another woman took advantage of this. She moved in soon enough and forced Daniel to call her Mother. The man was busy with work, so she was in charge of the house.
Mother neglected poor Susan badly. She never taught her to speak, read, or write. Whenever the man or Daniel tried to teach her, she would yell at them. The woman eventually gained control over the house, as her constant yelling and complaining worsened the man's mental state.
Since Daniel wasn't technically related to Susan or the man, he had no rights to protect either of them. When he was old enough, he joined the military. He hated leaving Susan alone with that terrible woman, but he thought that maybe some day he could work his way through the ranks and become powerful enough to at least have her arrested. He loved Susan like his own sister, and he'd do anything he could to protect her.


It was late in the evening now, and the "family" had already eaten their dinner. Susan was sitting in the field braiding grasses and flowers together, the man and woman were cleaning up, and Daniel was laying peacefully in the grass beside Susan. The crickets chirped loudly, like a small orchestra biding farewell to the sun as it sank lower and lower on the horizon, painting the sky with shades of purples, reds, oranges, and pinks. One by one, stars dotted the dim sky. The tiny twinkling lights spread across a canvas of deep blue-gray filling most of the sky and the colors of the setting sun to the west was completely breathtaking.
Footsteps and the soft thud-thud-thud of a horses hooves made Daniel sit up straight. The general of the army was walking towards the two of them, leading his horse by his side. The general had a soft smile on his face, and looked like he meant no harm.
"Go on inside, Su," Daniel said, standing to face his superior properly. "Sir." Daniel bowed his head with respect for the general as Susan ran off to the house.
"Daniel," the general greeted, returning the bow. "As you know, our troops will be leaving for war soon."
Daniel frowned. "Yes, Sir, I'm well aware."
"Then you should know that I'm sending you out with the first party to the battle field."
"Yes. Excuse me, but when will we be leaving?"
"Tomorrow morning."
Daniel's jaw dropped open slightly. He couldn't just leave! How was he supposed to tell Susan he was leaving and he might not come back? Without hardly any time at all to say goodbye!
"I know it's hard," the general said, a look of sympathy spreading across his face. "But please remember that you're one of the best men I have. We need you on the front lines. With you in front, the enemy doesn't stand a chance!"
"B-but Sir, I can't just leave Su-" Daniel was interrupted by the general.
"She'll be fine. I know she will. She may be weak on the outside, but on the inside she has a strong heart. I know it's wrong, but it's best to make her believe you'll come home. Even if it's false hope. Just give her something to believe in." The soldier gave Daniel a pat on the shoulder and gave him a soft smile. "I'll see you bright and early. Get some sleep."
With that, the general turned and walked back toward the village. Daniel stood there for a time, watching him go. How will I tell Su? he asked himself mentally. He couldn't just leave her. He couldn't.


Daniel double checked his horse's saddle, making sure it was on tight. He rummaged through his bags, being sure he had everything. Then, once he was satisfied, he turned to face the people he treasured (except for the woman, that is) and knew he may never see again.
"I'll miss you, son. Please make it back to us," the man said into Daniel's shoulder as they hugged. Turning to Susan, he knelt to her level.
"Goodbye, Su. I'll miss you. But you're not allowed to miss me, ok? I'll be back, so don't you worry!" Though Daniel's heart was being torn to shreds, he still wore a smile - sad as it may be - for Susan. He meant every word he said to her. He really would miss his little sister.
After receiving a long hug from the young girl, he stood. He glanced at the woman and gave her a subtle nod, to which she responded with a small tch sound and rolled her eyes. He smiled at the family that raised him (not counting the woman) and mounted his horse. He gave them one last saddened smile before riding off to the town to join the other soldiers leaving with the first group out.
Please don't be sad, Su. I'll be back. For you. I'll be back for you. We'll leave this horrid place. Just the two of us. You won't ever have to hurt or cry again. I'll keep you safe. It'll be like you never even lived here.

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