~Author's Note~

20 1 11

I have

The main reason
I haven't
Been publishing
I am

I can explain.

So for the next chapter I wanted to draw a map of the house just so you could be not so confused and also make it easier for me.


I haven't even sketched it yet.

I know. You hate me. I hate me too. I get it. I'm an easy to hate person.

I shall try my best to actually draw it soon. I am very sorry. I swear. Don't kill me. I'm a good butler. One hell of a butler. I promise.

Please. I beg. Don't attack me with a magic metal pipe of pain. I will cry. I am even uglier when I cry. And not awesome. And I may be stupid and dumb and easy to hate but I'm still awesome.

Don't Maka-chop me. Please. I want nothing but peace.

One more thing:

Ghwuh you mud sucking cur.

"... Charge."
"Yes, milord!"
*horsey run*

Okie bye~

[DISCONTINUED] I've Never Met YouWhere stories live. Discover now