Chapter 1 : Not The Most Welcoming Welcome .

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Peter's P.O.V

It was a typical Saturday night at Stark Tower . Bucky , Steve and Natasha were working out in the gym , Clint , Sam and Rhodey were making bets and pulling some stupid prank . Wanda and Vision were in the kitchen cooking something , i had no clue what it was but i know it smelt delicious , and i was helping out Mr . Stark and Dr . Banner with some blueprints for the new Iron - Spider suit , considering it was destroyed during Infinity War .

No one spoke about the battle of Thanos . We didn't need to , we thought . We were just trying to get are lives back to normal and spend as much time with our loved ones as possible . We knew now how it felt to lose a loved one , so we are all determined to spend every second with them so it doesn't hurt as much when they are truly gone . That was my plan , once i got out of the soul stone , to see May . I missed her so much . I went to her apartment to find her only to find it empty . The rest of that day was awful ...


I took a deep breath and knocked on the apartment door , longing to see the aunt that hadn't seen in three years . I knocked . No reply . I knocked again . No reply .

Now , your probably thinking , she will probably just be asleep , stop worrying about it .
But Peter knew his aunt . It was two in the afternoon on a weekday and May was one of those people that got up at the crack of dawn everyday.

Peter found the spare key , unlocked the door and walked inside , only to be greeted by the strongest smell of rotten food he had ever smelt . He immediately went to the fridge only to see the exact amount of food they had before he disappeared into thin air .
Peter immediately started panicking and bolted to stark tower .

"Hey kid . Whoa , are you ok , what happened ?"

Tony asked when he saw Peter . He was a mess , he had fresh tears streaming down his cheeks , his eyes were red and he was visibly exhausted from sprinting half way across NYC without a break .

"It's May . I don't know where she is , i need FRIDAY to do a scan of NYC to look for May ." Peter shakily replied , visibly destraught .

"FRI , you heard the kid , scan the area for any sign of May Parker . Report to me as soon as you are finished ."

"Will do sir ."

"Mr - Mr . Stark ?"

"Yes Peter ?"

"What if - What if May is dead ? Where will i go ? What will i do ? Who will take care of me ?"

Tony thought for a second . He didn't know much about his family , maybe there was a relative he could stay with ?

"What happened to your parents ? Why don't you stay with them ?" Tony asked , curious but also worried for Peter's future .

"They both died in a plane crash when i was 7 . Said they would come back for me . They never did though ." Peter sighed , he never really knew them but he still missed them .

"Oh . Well , any other aunts ? Uncles ?" Tony questioned further growing more and more concerned each and every reply .

"The only one i had died when i was 14 . I could have saved him , but i was to late ." Peter replied guiltily , now with streams of tears running down his face .

The sight and what Peter said broke Tony's heart . Not only did Peter blame himself for his uncles death , it was likely that there were no other relatives for peter to stay with .

"MR.STARK ?" FRIDAY called out , somehow sounding nervous .

"Yes FRI ?" Tony replied , cautious of what he might hear .

"It appears that May Parker passed away on the 17th of February 2017 . Sorry for your loss Mr.Parker ."

It was then that Peters whole world came crashing down . His aunt , the woman who raised him and whom he knew better than his own mother , was dead .

His sobbing was interrupted when he felt a pair of arns wrap around him , pulling him into a comforting hug . "Just like May's" he thought .

He looked up expecting to see Mr.Stark , but was pleasantly suprised when it turned out to be Nat . She strocked his hair to calm him down which , surprisingly , worked .

Once Peter had calmed down , he spoke up .
"Nat?"  Peter asked .
"Hm?" Nat replied , still hugging Peter .
"Will i have to go to an orphanage?" He asked taking a deep breath and awaiting a reply .

Nat's heart ached at the thought of Peter being in an orphanage . As much as she wasn't going to admit it , she felt the need to protect peter . This why she replied with "No." before telling Peter to follow her . She would fight for Peter even if her life depended on it .


Thank you all for reading part one of Internet Friends 😇

Shuri will be introduced soon but i am just getting the back story out of the way first so that things are clearer in future chapters 💖

Expect slow updates as i have high school to deal with and its pretty shitty 💩 so yano 🙃

Remember , vote if you liked it 😁

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Thanks for reading ☃️

~ Toenail Stank 😨

Word Count ~ 885


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