Chapter 5

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Harlow's Point Of View

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Harlow's Point Of View.

"Harlow!" I hear my mother scream from somewhere down stairs.

"I'll call you later Vin, mum is calling me." I tell Winnie through the phone.

"Give her my love." She breathes and I can hear her smile.

"Just her?" I tease her smiling to myself.

"Who else? Augustine if you want!" She replies playing dumb.

"And moi?"

"You?" She asks as if she was not even considering me.


"Not you." I imagine her shaking her head so that her ash brown pixie hair run wild.


"Because you already have all my love, I'm telling you to give it to others. Now go before your mum comes upstairs." She breathes the last words and my smile softens.

"Sleep. I'll see you tomorrow. " I tell her as I hear her stifle a yawn.

"I'll wait. You can come back and talk to me." She said probably rubbing her eyes with the back of her hand.

"Vanessa. Sleep." I press losing my usually cool demeanour.

"I like it when you are a bit bossy." She mumbles to which I sigh but a chuckle still escapes.

"Sleep. I promise I will see you tomorrow." I assure her getting up to put the room heater off.

"Swear on my love."

"I swear on myself I will see you tomorrow."

"Good." With that she ends the call and I walk out down my stairs fixing my hair.

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