Day 1: Say Cheese!

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"So here, sin(x) can be differentiated by the chain link rule, which also means, that Mr. Parker will stop staring at the clock and start paying attention." Ms. Norton called out.

The whole class turned their heads toward him, but Peter couldn't realize that soon enough.

"Mr. Parker!"

To Peter, every second on the clock bought him closer to the weekly 'Tinkering time' he shared with his mentor. He couldn't wait to enter the billionaire's lab, be greeted by the familiar smell of motor oil and caffeine and the sight of quality equipment stockpiled carefully by Tony Stark himself. It was like a dream.

Unfortunately, he was dragged back to reality by a nasty, wet spitball, probably the courtesy of flash.

"Dude..." Ned whispered in a hushed tone, "Ms. Norris is three seconds away from chucking you in detention for a week."

Sure enough, his AP Calculus teacher was staring him down from the front of the room."Mr. Parker." she seethed in anger, "Perhaps this is just review for you." she grits her teeth, "Care to share the answer with the class?"

He slightly panicked but glanced at the whiteboard and answered, "Y prime is cos x?"He felt that his underpaid, Dutch, petite teacher had more to say but was rudely cut off by the shrill piercing school bell.

The conserved cool of the students broke at once, and the class synonymously erupted in busy mayhem.

Peter walked with Ned to his locker and began stuffing his bag with books of all the subjects they had homework in for the weekend.

"So...' Internship' night?" Ned returned the pencil he had borrowed in English.

"Not sure about the night, but yeah, I think." He clipped on the plastic Stark Internship badge Mr. Stark had given him onto his shirt pocket. Once the guys at the front hadn't let him in, because though his 'Internship' had been a guise for being a superhero, it wouldn't be the first time some kid with guts tried snooping around the tower. Mr. Stark hadn't been too thrilled about the idea of Peter climbing 200 stories without his suit.

"So...what did Tony Stark say about my internship?"

"I talked to him, and he said that considering you hacked into one of the most advanced suits of the century you must be pretty smart" he grinned.

"Woah! So I get an Internship?" His eyes glistened with unshed tears of joy.

"Nope" Peter popped the p, "He says high-schoolers are not accepted because we need to have a social life."

Ned visably deflated, "But you are all the social life I have, Peter. With you hanging with Iron Man or swinging around the city most of the time, I have like zero human contact."

Peter honestly felt bad for blowing off his only friend for the past couple weeks, but in his defense, he was busy.

"I think I can talk to Mr. Stark about you visiting once in a while..." He brightened up, "Besides, you know the internship isn't real."

"What's that Penis?!" Flash interjected, seemingly from nowhere.

Peter paled, he tried backing away

"Ha! I knew it" He grabbed Peter by the collar as Ned watched in Horror, and shoved Peter's light frame into the locker.

"Lying attention whore" He punched him.

"Says he knows Iron Man," He punched him again.

"Says he knows Spider-man" He snatched the other boy's bag and emptied its content on the floors.

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