Uninvited Guest

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His heart was pounding. He was sure he had seen the doorknob turn. He walked down the stairs to see the door open slowly, making a loud creeking screech. It nearly hurt his ears. To his surprise, a little girl around five years old made direct eye contact. Her eyes were blood red and body so skinny you could see her bones stick out of her cold, shivering body. She managed a weak whisper, "Beware of 2", and ran off into the fog without a trace. 

He was a bit terrified, but thought "What can a little girl do?" Without giving it a second thought, he went upstairs to his room. While walking to the room, something caught his eye.


Blood was all over the wall and the number 2 was carved deep into the wall. He was now too deep in tears. He gained back a tiny bit of his confidence (Like he had any. Pshhhhh). He needed to get out and fast. Anywhere would be good; anywhere but here. He wanted to sprint out of here, but before he could do anything, he felt someone tugging on his shirt.

It was the girl. Her eyes glowed and stared directly at him. She stood there and finally spoke, "I warned you, what did I tell you? Now you have suffer." Then suddenly, everything was pitch black. He found himself waking up with sweat all over his body. He had no memory of the dream at all. He did his normal daily routine and took a shower. He looked into the mirror. There were 2 tiny scratches on his chest. He didn't mind it, he had no memory of his dream anyway. He needed the first aid kit downstairs to treat his wound. With every step he took, lightning struck. His heart was pounding. He was sure he had seen the doorknob turn.




Hello Guys! If you are wondering what this is all about then LET ME TELL YOU. This was an assignment I did in Language Arts. It was really fun to make and i enjoyed every second of it. I was actually scared of my own character (the little girl) for a day or two. <------------A TWO!

Lol but I was really happy the way it turned it out. 

THANK YOU @IzzyPanda18 for helping with some parts of my story.

WHY DON'T YOU CHECK HER OUT?! She has VERY good stories about One Direction.

If you didn't know what the ending was about. Pretty much his punishment was to be stuck in this illusion for eternity. I would hate to be him. If you liked this and want me to write more stories like this then please put it in the comments. I would love to hear your opinions also! If you liked this story in general then you can give it a vote if you want. Any postive info WILL BE APRECIATED. 



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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2012 ⏰

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