Enter the Dragon

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"This building is where all the boring stuff happens." Rin smiles with a dramatic sweep of his arm. "You know the stuff that they do in normal schools. Math, sciences, histories. Blah, blah, boring."

Taiga nods, her slanted eyes taking in everything she can so she won't get lost later. Ok, ok - physics is next to the colored water fountain. British Literature is near that weird non-shaped statue.

"But this - " He pushes open another set of glass doors that leads outside to a stone set courtyard of sorts. On the other end is a low one story building that's as wide as the main building is tall. "Is the training arena. This is where the fun stuff happens."

"Gang way, comin' through!"

Taiga gasps as someone suddenly barrels into her. She catches herself before she hits the ground and looks up to find a girl with unnaturally red hair and thick black eyeliner.

"Where's the fire Misa?" Rin asks, amusement evident in his voice.

The girl rolls stunning green eyes at him. "Mr. Carpen is my homeroom teacher this year. Do you know how long I've waited for this moment! I am not being late!" She sounds rushed and excited, her voice is gravely and has a hitch to it but it's expressive.

Rin rolls his eyes. "You and your weird fetishes."

"Hey! It's not my fault guys my age are either wimps, losers, or douche bags. Besides. Mr. Carpen is hot as hell. 'Scuse me!" And she shoves past them, black boots pounding the ground.

"This is Taiga BTdubb's!" Rin shouts after her.

The girl throws them a wave. "Nice to Meet you. See you in homeroom!"

Taiga stares after the weird girl. She gave off the look of a punk rocker or soemthing but - but somehow she was sort of cheery.

"That's Misa. She's - rounded." Rin snorts.

"Oh. She seems nice."

"If she likes you. C'mon, she's right though - we'll be late for homeroom." He steps aside to let her go first with a wink.

Taiga bites her cheek and nods, "Thanks."

Maybe this year won't be so bad.

The people are weird here. She likes weird. Weird she can handle.


Her new class room was large and fit about thirty students, who were all familiar with each other and already divided into groups. One thing that never changes about high school. The tribalism.

Taiga sighs. She never belonged in a tribe. Ever.


Her eyes find the owner of the waving arm. It's that red headed girl. Taiga sighs and takes a deep breath. Might as well talk to her.


"New girl yah?"

Taiga nods.

"Cool. That was me two years ago. I'm Misa. You?"


"Nice name. Tough. Cute because you're so tiny."

Taiga refuses to be annoyed. "Yah, I hear that a lot."

The girl grins, her teeth white and straight. "Bet you do."

"Allright class,"

Everyone falls silent instantly as a tall, broad shouldered man with an ageless beautiful face and dark hair swept to the side walks in. Taiga 's eyes widen as Misa swoons next to her along with every other girl in the class.

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