Chapter 23 "Fashion Show"

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Songs I've listened to while writing this chapter:

Sexy Silk - Jessie J

Problem - Natalia Kills

Dracula - Bea Miller

When I woke up the next day Hannah wasn’t in the apartment anymore, which made me freak out a little bit just in case I fell asleep. I looked to the nearest clock but it still wasn’t the time so I rested my back again against the mattress. Let’s do this, today is the day. I don’t know why I’m doing this but I’m going to do it… I thought.

I got up from bed and had a shower before having breakfast. I was way too nervous for eating, I think more than expected and I didn’t know why. Maybe it was the fact that millions of people would be there watching me walk at the same time, that attention on me seemed overwhelming… And I don’t have a clue of walking on the catwalk or even act like a model…

I ended up having a coffee and some cookies to go to the bus stop. The show was going to take place in a beautiful and luxurious hotel in the middle of London. Apparently, from what I heard from Hannah, so many important designers from the fashion industry will attend the show, which was way more intimidating.

The ride there wasn’t too long so I was soon there. I walked in the huge hotel and looked for some known faces but I couldn’t see anyone, all I could see was people going from side to side, with boxes in their hands, talking on the phone or even having small chats between them. It was really crowded and the reception had a long line already so I wasn’t going to wait to ask where the show was going to take place so I decided to walk to find it by my own. I led myself through a huge group of models that were going somewhere so I decided to follow and just like I expected they helped me find backstage. Now I had to find Hannah but it wasn’t that hard because I could hear her form the door. She was stressed already and the show doesn’t start in 5 hours.

“Hey Hannah” I said when I arrived.

“Oh God, thank God you’re here. I was starting to freak out just in case you fell asleep” I laughed at her comment because it was true. Whenever I was tired I could fall asleep easily in bed again.

“So… what do we have to do?” I asked in case I could help in anything. “Is Nick around here?”

“Yeah, he just left to buy something to eat. I left the house with just a coffee in my hands and he said that wasn’t healthy so… you know already how he is. The make up stand will be opened in a few minutes so I guess you can help me setting all the clothes here so that they’re ready for the show”


We both started unfolding the clothes and hung them so that they could be ready to wear. Neither of us said anything because the atmosphere was already too loud and I didn’t want to stress her out even more. After some minutes Nick came back with bags in his hands.

“Hello Leah, how’re you doing?” he asked me. “I’m sorry I would have grabbed something for you but I didn’t know you were here already”

“It’s ok, I’ve already had something”

“Are you excited for the show?” he sat next to Hannah while he was giving her some sandwich.

“I am… I guess… I’m more nervous than excited to be honest, I just… I don’t know how to walk there or act like a model”

“Don’t worry, it’s easy. All you need to do is walk firmly, small steps are better than bigger ones and when you reach the finish line you just stop and pose with all your weight resting in one of your legs, then you turn around and keep walking till here”

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