Chapter 39 "Welcome home"

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Songs I've listened to while writing this chapter:

Cherry Wine - Hozier

Heart like yours - If I stay

Girls (with rain) - The 1975

Featherstone - The paper kits

Holocene - Bon Iver

"And what if I tell you I want to be with you?"


That moment of the conversation was spinning around my head over and over again. It was repeating itself and I just couldn't sleep. Harry suddenly left me when I wanted answers. That's always what he do, he leaves when I'm trying to find out something. When he started walking to his house I just followed him without saying anything. He waited in the door for me but didn't even look at me when I did. I just couldn't understand his behaviour today, he was being really weird. 

Two hours have been since that moment he told me he wanted to be with me, and still I'm with eyes wide  opened and my phone about to blow up with notifications. Someone must have seen us tonight. Someone took pictures of us and they're all over the Internet. People were tweeting things that made no sense, some of them were just really harmful but... as I was reading them, I felt something different inside me. I knew none of them was true, the girl that they think I am, it's not me, I know too well who I am to let them get to me. I've been thinking a lot about this since Harry and I decided to have a break. If I'm going to be with him, I was going to get a lot of nasty and horrible comments towards me, I knew that, but I had to prove them wrong, I have to prove them that I'm not here for his fame, that I just love him the way he is, that I can make him happy and that we can be together no matter what. 

I stood up from the bed and opened the door of my bedroom carefully. I didn't want to make any sound and I needed to use the bathroom so badly. I walked carefully to there and stopped. Next to the bathroom's door it was Harry's bedroom, I stared at the closed door for almost a minute and then walked in the bathroom. I washed my face with warm water and then came back to the guests bedroom, but this time I didn't go to bed, this time I stared out the window. 

Harry's house was located in a small neighbourhood surrounded by trees and plants. This is the place where he grew up and spent almost his whole life before his life turned mad. This is where he's supposed to be if he wasn't famous, no London, no one day in this city and the next one in another one... just here, Holmes Chapel, in this beautiful and small neighbourhood. 

"Is everything ok?" my body jumped at the sound of his voice. I turned around and his tall figure was standing there. I was just so into my thoughts that didn't hear he walked into the room.

"I... I just can't sleep" I didn't even know how to behave around him after what happened outside. He seemed a little bit relaxed now and maybe that's what he needed. 

"I heard you before going to the bathroom" I pressed my lips together before answering.

"I'm sorry, I didn't meant to wake you up"

"Don't be sorry, can't sleep as well" he took some steps towards me but I stood there next to the window. "I've seen them"

"What?" I asked a little bit confused.

"I've seen the pictures, they're all over twitter" I nodded with my head and grabbed my phone that was in the night table.

"I know, I've seen them too. My phone is blowing up with tweets of your fans" I said and giggled a little bit. I wanted to smooth the atmosphere but couldn't. His semblance changed into a frowned Harry with lips pressed together. 

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