Chapter 2 - Cereal Business

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Isobel wrote Phils POV

Heather wrote Dans POV 

enjoy :)

Phils POV 

I stumbled over to the kitchen and quickly washed my hands and looked for something to snack on, I took about 10 minutes looking for something and eventually gave up and grabbed dans cereal box and started eating out of it until i heard a voice behind me

"You could at least have used a bowl. Your hands better be clean." I jumped, i hadn't heard him come in, when i jumped i had dropped the box spilling cereal EVERYWHERE i twisted around to see Dan glaring accusingly, his hair was unstraightened and i took a moment to admire the rare chocolatey waves on his head

"DAN! Don't do that to me." I exclaimed, i felt like i just had a heart attack he jumped out at me at least 3 times a day but i still never expected it, despite living with him for 2 years

"You're buying me another box." to be fair i did spill his box ad he would probably just eat mine anyway so i just nodded, then remembered why he must have come into the kitchen

"Are you going to have something to eat?" i asked cocking (lol cock) my head to the side

"No Phil, I'm not particularly hungry" he snapped at me, i wondered why he was so mad at me, i only spilled his cereal

"Your never particularly hungry" I never realized how true it was until it left my mouth, he just shrugged at me and left the room, going towards the lounge, weird

I brushed up all the cereal off of the ground and grabbed my laptop and went into the living room, i found Dan sitting in the casual browsing position messing around on his laptop

"you know one of these days our spines are going to be stuck like that forever" i joked, he half smiled but kept his eyes on the computer screen. Probably Tumb1r

i sat on the other end of the sofa just messing around, photo shopping pictures of Dan and various celebrities until i decided i had taken enough eyebrows of people for a life time, i looked over at Dan he looked like he was going to burst into laughter at an moment,

"what are you looking at?' i asked genuinely curious, i saw the logo for tumb1r on his laptop as he turned it around to face me, he showed me- a drawing of me snogging Pj "real mature Dan" that set him off, he burst into laughter and almost dropped his laptop, he immediately sobered up when he saw my completely unammused expression 

"sorry" he looked like a five year old child that had been caught with his hand in the cookie jar

"its fine" we sat there in silence for a few minutes until i heard my phone ring from my room, i quickly dropped my laptop on the sofa and sprinted to my room, almost tripping of a pair of hight tops that Dan had left by my door, i checked the caller ID- Peej and answered trying to catch my breath

Me - "hello?"

Pj - "Hi Phil i was wondering if you and Dan wanted to come to my house later

Me - "erm sure, but why?"

Pj - " just for a little get together, Chris will be here too"

Me - "oh okay!- will you and Chris be drinking?" Dan, Peej and Chris normally get wasted and we end up having to stay the night

PJ - "Err yeah!! bring an over night bag"

Me - "ok see you at 8?"

Pj - "yeah see you then"

i hung up and pushed my phone into my pajama pockets (I hadn't gotten dressed this morning) and walked back into the living room I'm kind of worried about bringing Dan he always gets drunk at Peej's and he is a mix of the sexual predator drunk and the silly drunk - a deadly combination

"we're going to Pj's tonight" i told Dan


of course 

Dans POV

We arrived at PeeJ's approximately 10 minutes late but oh well. I wonder if Chris is s already here. I guess we'll find out when we knock on the door.

*Knock knock*

A slightly intoxicated PeeJ answered the door.

'Hey guys! Come in, we have drinks... if you know what i mean'

I couldn't help but laugh at how stupid his comment sounded, of cause i knew what he meant. PeeJ was hilarious at these 'little get togethers'. Phil and I went into the living room to find Chris stumbling all over the place. Once Chris acknowledged that we were in the room he skipped over and gave us both a hug. Yes he skipped over, he was well and truely drunk. PeeJ came behind me and jabbed in the side. I let out a little (but manly) squeel. I stared at him in disgust.

'Urg, why are you being so serious? Have you and Phil had anything to drink?' Slurred Peej.

'No, we haven't had anything yet'

'Well, lets change that!' Yelled Chris.

I gladly took the drink that Chris poured for me and so did Phil.

Sometime later*

'Did you know that pineapples are foudneefkxsbhhh' Phil lost his words. Phil is more of the emotional drunk whereas Chris was the silly drunk. PeeJ was a mixture of all 5 kinds of drunk... he's a strange person.

'Philllllll, Ive got a pineapple in the kitchen come see' Laughed PeeJ. Fair enough. And with that Phil and PeeJ Left to go the kitchen.

I turned round to see a very dazed Chris staring at me. We started to talk when suddenly Chris slammed he lips onto mine, my eyes slowly closing as the kiss continued.  I wanted to pull away but Chris's lips felt so soft and warm against mine. He wrapped his hands around my waist pulling me closer,  I found my hands were tangled in his silky brown hair.


Wait what am I doing? I can't be kissing Chris it just isn't right! This would wreck our friendship, how could I have been so foolish? Plus i dont even like him  Chris bit my lower lip and only then did I pull away. I turned to see a startled, solemn Phil. He gazed at me while his eyes stared to fill with tears, one came streaming down his face. He ran, I tried to follow him but I tripped over a planking PJ and unconsciousness took me over.



I hope you enjoyed that, it kinda made me squirm reading Dans POV (heather wrote it and it was not my idea i promise -_-) ok im gonna go write my part for chapter 3 



P.S. i dont love you



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