Chapter 3 - Fruit Ninja

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Phil's POV ( I AM SO SORRY from Isobel xx)

i dragged my blade against my skin again and again, as i went through what had just happened in my head


I watched Peej planking in the hall randomly and giggled, i walked into the living room about to tell Dan what a fruit ninja i was as i had just got a kitchen knife and chopped the pinapple in mid air (yeah im awesome like that) which in hind-sight was really stupid, but, hey i drank too much and no-one got hurt, but as soon as i walked into the front room i sobered up immediatly to see- Dan Sucking the face off of Chris, i watched for a moment before Dan seemed to realise what he was doing and looked up to see me, a few emotions crossed of his face- fear, horror, guilt. He felt guilt, that didnt stop the tears running down my face, i dont know why i felt so betraid, he wasnt even my boyfriend.... I ran into the kitchen, jumping over the planking, now seemingly unconcious PJ and grabbed the fruit ninja blade (the one i had used to cut the pineapple) and quickly ran it under the tap. I walked over to the bathroom and heard a loud thump, finding that i didnt care, i walked into the bathroom and did something i hadnt done for two years; Cut


1 for being ugly

i dragged the blade across my skin

1 for being stupid

i felt the all-too farmilier pain rise in my arm

1 for being worthless

agony surged through my body

2 for being gay

then releif hit me 

3 for loving Dan

i felt a comforting chill run through my body

4 for being Phil

last ones for tonight

5 for not being Chris

I was drunk but as soon as i had entered the room i had sobered up like i had never drunk before. I was starting to feel faint from bloodloss, but i was still awake enought to mop the blood from the floor and disinfect my 17 cuts and tie a bandage around them, i went into Pj's room and found a big jumper and pulled it on hoping no-one would see tomorrow morning, i lay down on his bed- finding none of my 3 friends on it and started to fall asleep. Hoping i wouldnt rememberin the morning, i knew i would but i could pretend, i couldnt sleep for a while because my wrists ached, but it had momentarily took me away from my troubles, and right now, that was all i needed

Dan's POV

I woke up to the sound of a drumming in my head, feeling like I was going to vomit any minute now. I didn't realise but I was laying on top of an unconscious PeeJ... the one thing he taught me not to do!  I slowing elevated myself off of PeeJ, trying not to wake he up while trying not to throw up. Once I was off him I ran over to the kitchen and was sick in the sink, not caring if there were dishes in the sink. I lifted my head to see a very unsteady Chris, wobbling over towards the chair which was located  right in the centre if the kitch.

"My head is banging!" I groaned "Do you even remember anything?" I giggled to myself.

"Same, I don't think I drank as much as you though. I actually don't remember anything,  do you?" Chris's voice sounds so different when he has a hangover.

"I remeber something about a pineapple. Are you serious?  You drank well more than me!" Maybe it was best that that was all I couldn't remember.

Chris gabbed both of us a glass of water. I let the liquid flowed down my throat; I heard a mumble come from the hallway. PeeJ was waking up. Nope!  Probably just talking in his sleep.

"Hey, do you want pancakes? From Delia Smith's new recipe book." Chris said with a smile plastered upon his face.

"No" I mumbled with no tone to my voice.

"What do you mean no? Its Delia Smith! I thought you loved her." he exclaimed 

"I do love Delia Smith obviously, who doesn't?" I claimed. The expression in my voice changed within seconds. "But im just not hungry... okay!" I was on the verge of faintings starting to feel the effects of my empty stomache.

I had to leave. Even if it was only for 10 minutes, I still had to go.  I grabbed any shoes (not caring which we were all the same size) and a jacket, the front door slammed behind me.

Hey Dudes :) Its Isobel here

how was your day? Oh... Oh sorry to hear that .. :( 

i got our best friend Sophie to red this through and edit it a bit, she is awesome !! if you want to check out her page; that would be a great help (she mostly does sherlock stuff she is really good at writing) Agentllamasocks341

okai im going to go now 

see you later :) 

Isobel xxxxxx


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