The Rogue Assassin

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Asahi's P.O.V.

I was slow and silent as I stalked my next target. I had learned to live with my new metallic body, and my assassin skills had been relearned in the matter of weeks after the accident that led to my near death. The entire body of metal wasn't entirely necessary, but the metal hid the prosthetic limbs and breathing system that I now had.

"Stay focused, Genji! We're out in the open here."

"I can sense someone is with us."

I scoffed as the man looked directly at me despite never even hearing or seeing me move. I slid down the rooftop, and I was silent as I landed on my feet. The cyborg studied me as his companion readied herself to attack.

"Asahi." The man stated.

"Genji." I replied.

"You know her, Genji?" His companion looked at him in surprise.

"She's an old acquitance. I'm surprised your still alive after our last mission together." Genji's visor light thinned like he was squinting at me. "It seems you've gained a new body."

"No thanks to you." I hissed. "Leaving me for dead like I was nothing more than an animal was what resulted in me being this way. I could've been saved if you had the mind to return for me."

"The target was getting away, and you were merely an ally during that time. You weren't my priority because you were not apart of my team." Genji's hand went to his sword much like my own did. "It isn't my fault that you ended up the way you did."

"Much like it isn't my fault for how you did."

I pulled my sword free seconds before Genji, and he was quick to defend himself as I launched myself at him. Our swords clashed together, a spark flying as the metals collided. I looked to his companion as she pulled out a small pistol.

"Angela." Genji held his freehand up to stop her.

I reached up and released the pressure that was holding my mask on. The top portion stayed in place, and I pulled the part that covered my mouth off. I blinked a few times to adjust to the light, and both Genji and Angela stared at my scarred face.

"So you are still human?" Genji muttered, tilting his head as he touched the skin beside my eye with his thumb.

"I merely lost my legs and an arm. The armor hides my body and holds me together all at once." I explained, brushing his hand away as I stepped back and slid my sword back into its sheath.

I turned away from them, an action an assassin only ever did if they felt weaker than their opponent.

"Don't turn your back to me!" Genji snapped.

I lowered my head, balling my hands into fists. My breath caught in my throat when he laid his hand on my shoulder.

"You should never turn your back to me. We are on equal ground, Asahi." He said.

"No, Genji, we're not." I brushed his hand off of me. "You are with an organization, and I am nothing more than a rogue scraping by on miniscule jobs."

"I am with an organization that is seen as a disgrace and an illegal group. I would do anything to be free like you once more."

I hesitated before I turned to face him once more, and Genji removed his mask. I had never seen his face, having met him after he had already gotten his full metal body. His face was scarred much like mine was, and his chocolate brown eyes held a fierce and determined gaze.

"Join us, and you will no longer be alone." He said, putting his mask back on.

"It's not that simple, Genji." I told him. "I've done things that a hero wouldn't do. I've killed innocent people for quick cash."

"And I once did the same." Genji reminded me. "It will be a fresh start for you."

I stared at him, and my gaze landed on the woman with him. She was staring at me, hostility and caution in her eyes. I slowly removed my sword from its sheath and tossed it on the ground, the weapon landing at Genji's feet. The blade was chipped in several places, and the metal grip was starting to rust. The woman seemed confused as Genji couched down and lifted my sword up off of the ground. Genji seemed to notice her confusion as he stood back up.

"Asahi gives up her blade when she surrenders." He explained. "You need a new one, by the way."

"I've noticed." I replied, folding my arms across my chest. "I don't exactly have the money to replace my sword every time it gets damaged."

"You could always take better care of it."

"If you're talking about the rust, I lost it in the river a few weeks ago. I couldn't find it until a few days after."

Genji chuckled, the sound accompanied by the robotic effect his voice had.


"Genji informed us that you would like to join Overwatch."

"I didn't get much of a choice, but I'd like to."

I stood in one of the Overwatch stations, an intelligent gorrilla and a war soldier standing in front of me. Genji was somewhere else in the station, busying himself with whatever he was doing.

"Where do you wish to be stationed if you are accepted?" The gorrilla, Winston was his name, asked.

"Wherever Genji is." I shrugged. "He's the only one I know, and I'd like to feel like I have someone I can trust."

Winston chuckled, and he walked over to the large computer that was in the room. I tapped my foot repeatedly while I waited.

"Before you become an official member, we need to see what you're capable of." Soldier:76 stated, his hard stare on me.

"This will come in handy." Someone behind me said.

I turned to see Genji walked toward me. He held out a sheathed sword, his green visor light focused on me.

"I had the swordsman forge you a new sword." He explained. "It's made of a material that won't chip as easily, and it's coated in a solution that wont rust."

"Thank you." I muttered, taking the sword from him.

I put the sheath on my back, replacing the sheath I had on my back. The three men watched me as I tried to find the balance point of the sword, the grip resting in my hand and my hold on it tightening and loosening as I tried to find the best way to control it. Once I was confident with my grip on it, I gave it a quick test spin. Winston and Soldier:76 stepped back as I spun it around, and Genji held his arm up just as it smacked against his armor.

"Sorry, Genji." I muttered, examining the blade. "This is a high quality metal, isn't it?"

"I believe it is. I'm not entirely sure what was used to make it." Genji replied.

I nodded in understanding and slid the sword into its sheath. I looked at Winston and Soldier:76, and I bowed to them.

The Man Behind The Mask (Genji Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now