-2: Complacency; Sister

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I want to be free.

If a human being had been capable of understanding the mind of Indominus, this is likely what they would hear. Sister knew that all too well.

Lately, the two had started to have difficulties. Sister always tried to stay near her spot as much as she could, a small corner of their cage where the tree canopy could provide her shade and shelter. Indominus was constantly on the lookout, trying to find a weakness in their enclosure- or, if they were lucky, a way to escape. 

Indominus was always trying to convince sister to move, to help, to find their escape. But sister did not want to escape. The humans looked after her, helped her when she was sick. The outside was a scary place, who knows what's out there? 

Sometimes, their arguments would escalate to snarling. Indominus insisting her to move, puzzled by why she had no drive to get out. It was no secret to sister that Indominus believed humans saw them as monsters. But, regardless of Indominus's views, sister refused to change her own. If the humans only saw them as monsters, why were they so desperate to help sister?

But Indominus always seemed to be so adamant that everything around them was afraid of them. Sister agreed that this was true for most living things, but humans? It simply didn't make sense.

Then why are we always kept here? Indominus growled her retorts. Why do they always make us sleep when they want to help us?

Because they want to keep us safe. Sister knew the truth. Indominus was wrong. Escaping was a terrible idea. They would get hurt. They would get in trouble. And when she got sick, how would she be cured? The cage was safe.

Their fights would wither away eventually, as Indominus always stormed off, furiously continuing her obsessive search for weakness. Sister sometimes pondered on how Indominus could be so selfish, so disregarding of her own feelings. She tried not to show it after their arguments, but sometimes, she felt so much emotion that she wanted to scream out into the canopy. But, she always kept them under control.

At the end of the day, they were still siblings with the strongest of bonds. No matter how bad the arguments would get, they would still sleep by each other every night, still share their food without squabble. There would sometimes be a tension in the air, but both did their best to look past it. After all, what good would it do to dwell on such fights?

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