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Seriously are these Roman numerals right?

thefrickingdumbass tagged me this time so YAY!

1.) Initials - R. H. (I want you to try and guess my name, bet you can't get it lol) (The_Idiot_69 you're not included in this)
2.) Fav Color - Black... Don't judge
3.) My account is almost two years old.
4.) Fav Food - Everything, you can't make me choose.
5.) Fav Book on Wattpad - Ummm... everyone's books that I have read of course!
6.) Fav Book Irl - Seashell Season
7.) Fav Sport - No t much into sports, but volleyball I suppose.
8.) Lol Mega Bricks over legos bc Mega Bricks are amazing.
9.) I'm more of an oldie so Minecraft over Roblox.
10.) Battery Percentage - ....77% •~•

Now for 10 tags:

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