The Academy

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       Lia was happy to see her real parents although she was mad she was kidnapped. Headmistress Higgins yelled "Hit the showers!".All the girls in building 2 ran to the showers .Lia saw all the comotion so she yelled"A roach A roach!"All the girls fled out of the bathroom.She took a shower and came out.She realized she had no clothes.She sent someone to get her some clothes.

         She went to bed the moment her head hit her head on the pillow.When she woke up the following morning with a knock on the door.She opened tge door and her brother Jason was there.She hugged him so tight he would pop."I missed you so much!"Lia said"I did too."Jason           replied.They hung out until 5 o'clock pm.

        Lia flew to Bleakers Pipe.It may sound discusting but it is actually beautiful.She met a girl named Sylvian.They hung out for a while.Lia was to tired to fly back to Transylvania so she spent the night.

        When she woke up she heard noises downstairs. She walked down and saw a boy who seemed to be Sylvian's brother.Lia ran back upstairs to straighten her self up.She came back down with groomed hair and a nd brushed teeth.Well she is the daughter of beauty.She went to jog aroung with Sylvian.Even if she is the daughter of beauty she still has to stay fit and healthy.She flies back to Transylvania. She sees Sylvians brother at the academy. She asks"Are you following me?""No.Im enrolled at this school.Im Luke Adams""Lia Higgins"

      Lia liked him.She didnt ever have that feeling.She stayed cool and low for the rest of the week. She went to her home town to kill  Rachel Gibson .Do you know who Rachel Gibson is?

Lia |TeenageVampire GirlWhere stories live. Discover now