C h a p t e r 1

89 1 0

 1. Eric Carman - Hungry eyes

" Ivy time to wake up its time for breakfast", Averie said, plopping down on the end of my bed.

If only my younger sister could understand the importance of sleep and would give me five more minutes of rest before getting up and having to deal with everything.

" Alright, Alright tell dad I'll be down in 10 ", I groggily said getting up. 

My warm fleece rug greeted my feet warmly as I sat up out of my bed. Just another rainy day in hemlock grove, I thought to myself as I pulled a robe over my pajamas. As I walked down the stairs the aroma of cinnamon rolls wafted through the air.

" Good morning it's good to see that you're finally awake", My father greeted me.

" Have the boys came back from feeding the animals yet?" I asked

"Any Minute now hun", He answered back.

The door began to creak as Axle and Andrew walked in with cakes of dirt all over them.

"Hey what are you guys making", Andrew asked patting Averie on the shoulder.

"Well I have cinnamon rolls in the oven and I'm about to start some bacon and eggs", Dad answered proudly.

" Alright we'll see you in a few Axle and I need to hop the shower and change" Andrew answered.

" Hey daddy", averie smiled

"What would like me to say yes to now Averie", Dad answered.

I laughed so hard I accidentally snorted my orange up my nose the fiery pain was worth it.

Averie rolled her eyes at me" Can I please go hang out with Letha tonight", she begged.

"I don't suppose why not be home before 9:00 bring your pocket knife", He answered.

" Thanks, daddy" she smiled while grabbing an apple and her car keys and heading out.

" Do you think it was a bad idea buying you all cars", Dad askes me questioning his decisions.

"Well yes and no Axle and Andrew use theirs for practice and dates while Averie uses her's for shopping with friends and the ice cream parlor and well I take mine for drives and peace and quiet ", I say thinking about all used that car for.

" Well I'm glad one of you guys got my observance ", He sighs in relief putting the food on the table.

"Hey, little sis you wanna pass me that bacon" Axle greets me as he walks in.

"You're only 2 years older", I say back laughing.

"Well thanks for breakfast dad but I'm gonna get going I'm meeting Harper before school ", He says throwing his bag over his shoulder and grabbing some bacon.

" No problem son get your stang some gas ", Dad answers handing Axle a $20 from his wallet.

"Alright thanks, dad ", he says heading out the door.

" Andrew your gonna be late if you don't hurry up" dad yells.

I run up the stairs as Andrew comes down

" Did averie leave yet?", he asks surprised.

" Yup about 10 minutes ago", I respond.

" Fuck she still has my calculus homework", He groans

" Yikes", I say as he walks downstairs.

As I reach my room I notice a small wooden box along with a long white one on my bed.  I carefully open the small wooden box to reveal a small tree of life pendant with a heart made of jade, I carefully placed inside the heart of the tree. I take the note that was carefully tucked in the box as it read 

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