P r o l o g u e

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:: P r o l o g u e - "Accidents are not accidents but precise arrivals at the wrong right time."

Like every morning I woke up to a strange, disturbing feeling in my stomach. I tried to push the awful sensation away but it only made it worse. I took a deep breath and tried to regulate my breathing but it was no good as my body began to heave.

Placing a hand to my sore stomach and one to my warm forehead, I tried to cool myself down. I peered over my shoulder to see that Luke was fast asleep. Instead of cuddling me, he was cuddling one of the small cushions that usually dressed the bed. I smiled at my sleeping boyfriend but my happiness was cut short when a warm passion began to move up my trachea.

Quickly I pushed back the duvet and jumped out of bed. With my hand held over my mouth I ran straight into the bathroom, thankfully making it on time before I began to vomit into the toilet bowl. My body was beginning to suffer from exhaustion, simply because I was having trouble falling asleep and if I did manage to fall asleep, I'd wake up with a horrible urge to vomit.

I knew exactly what was wrong with me, all of the symptoms were there. I guess I was just too stubborn to confirm what I was thinking. I mean what other reason could it be? I suffered from severe morning sickness, back pain and I was beginning to get cravings for the weirdest food combinations. I was definitely pregnant.

I didn't want to run down to the pharmacy to get a test because I was only sixteen, I wouldn't be able to manage a baby. I can barely take care of myself.

Once I stopped vomiting, I sat back against the cold wall and pressed my hand to my sweaty forehead. I guess you could say I was suffering from shock. The past few weeks Luke and I had been careless when it came to protection in the bedroom and now I was paying the price.

I stood up and looked at myself in the mirror. I was not pleased with what I saw in the reflection. Pregnancy was definitely treating my sixteen year old self horribly. My hair was a greasy, knotted mess that looked like it was stapled onto my head, my skin was pale and lifeless but my eyes showed it all. A dark, bloodshot mess was what they looked like. Not the bright blue-green eyes that I was accustomed to.

Luke was definitely not going to take the news lightly. He was only seventeen for crying out loud. Everything was starting to look good for him in life, I didn't need to ruin that.

I splashed some cold water onto my face to try and cool me down and I brushed my teeth to try and get rid of the horrible taste of bile in my mouth. With hope, I prayed that I looked a slight bit more presentable.

"Did you get sick again?" A voice startled me from behind. I looked up at the mirror to see Jai sleepily standing in the doorway of the bathroom. His eyebrows were furrowed in confusion but his eyes showed concern. His fluffy brown hair was tousled and his eyes were slightly shut from being recently exposed to the morning light.

If it wasn't for my nerves I would've already told him that I was carrying his brother's child but anytime that I went to tell him, I always managed to change the subject and talk about something else.

"Yeah, I'm going to get some medicine in the pharmacy today."

More like a pregnancy test.

"Bella, does Luke know how sick you've been?" He questioned.

Luke was beginning to catch on that something was wrong with me, I could tell just by the way he would look at me when I placed my hand to my forehead or my loss of appetite.

"I don't know..." I murmured, now looking down at my cold toes.

"You need to talk to him, before I do." With that, he left. Leaving me shocked by his words.

Erased 》Luke Brooks / JanoskiansWhere stories live. Discover now