A home(part two)

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Cat: Hwello.

Desiree: Hi baby come here.

Recap Over

Me: *walks to her*

Desiree: what's wrong?

Me:*still crying* I lewave. It otay.

Boy: What's wrong with her?

Desiree: she heard what we were talking bout.

Boy: oh.

Me: It Otay. I lewave.

Desiree: No baby girl. It okay.

Boy: No you have to leave.

August: *runs downstairs*

Desiree: Its okay August. This is Diggy.

Me: Why don't ywou liwke mwe?

Diggy: *stares at her*

Desiree: Diggy *waves hand in his face* Diggy

Diggy: huh

Desiree: What's wrong?

Diggy: *signs* I'm sorry you can stay here okay.

Desiree: What*smiles*

Me: Otay*crying*

Diggy: *picks her up* Shhh its okay Ight.

Me: Otay*wipes face*

Diggy: Who is this big fellow? *rubs August head*

August: *lays next to him*

Me: That August.

Diggy: Oh OK. Desiree let me see you privately please.

Desiree: Alright*walks to the kitchen*

Diggy: Remember that child you had two years ago she looks just like her.

Desiree: I know I know.

Diggy: Was she mine?

Desiree: No*looks down*

Diggy: You cheated?

Desiree: No your not my boyfriend and you will never be.

Diggy: You little bitch. *chokes her against a wall*

Me: *watches behaid a corner*

Diggy: *punches and kicks her*

Desiree: *crying*

Me: *walks to Diggy*

Diggy: Shut up.

Me: Diwggy stwop plewase.

Diggy: *lets go*

Desiree: *falls*

Diggy: *picks me up*

Me: *shaking*

Diggy: *sits on the sofa with me in his lap* Desiree get up and make us some food!

Desiree: Yes sir*gets up and starts cooking*

Diggy: Why are you shaking baby. I'm not gonna hurt you.

Me: You hurt Desiwree.

Diggy: She was being bad.

Me: Oh but no chowking Otay.

Diggy: Otay. Desiree hurry up. My little friend is waking up.

Desiree: You wouldn't.

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