Almost Gone

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Roc: Cat! Cat! Catelaya. Baby please*zippes up coat* Baby come on its frezzing.

Cat: *shivering in the corner*

Roc: Baby Girl

Cat: *turning blue*

Roc: Cat!!

Cat: *softly softly* Daddy

Roc: Cat*turns a corner* Baby

Cat: Dawddy here. *coughing hard*

Roc: Baby say it louder daddy cant hear you.

Cat: Daddy*passes out*

Roc: Cat!

Cat: *nothing*

Roc: Baby!!

Cat: *silent*

Roc: Cat baby. *running aroud the ally looking for her*

Cat: *nothing*

Roc: *finds her* Cat baby can you here me

Cat: *wakes up a little bit* Dawddy

Roc: *wraps her up in a blanket and takes her home*

At Home

Roc: *walks in* Babe I got her.

Desiree: Thank godness. *takes her* Wow she's really cold.

Cat: *lays on Desiree chest*

Desiree: Baby*walking upstairs* Why did you leave?

Cat: I made you mad*shaking*

Roc: No you didn't baby *runs water in tub*

Desiree: *takes Cat's clothes off* Get in baby.

Cat: *gets in and hopes out* It burn daddy.

Desiree: I know but get in baby.

Cat: You get in?

Desiree: no baby it'll feel better.

Cat: *gets in and sits*

Roc: Well baby I have to the studio.

Desiree: okay *kisses him and washes Cat*

Roc: *kisses Cat forehead* be good baby.

Cat: Bywe Bywe

Roc: bye baby girl. *leaves*

30 minutes later

Desiree: *drains water out, puts towel around Cat and goes in her room and puts her PJs on*

Her phone rings

Desiree: Hello

Prince: Hey. Wyd

Desiree: Just gave Cat a bath.

Prince: Oh you found her?

Desiree: yeah

Prince: I'm sorry for the other day.

Desiree: Its alright. Is Star okay?

Prince: Yeah but I found out she was cheating

Desiree: Dang I'm sorry.

Prince: Its okay. Well I just call to make sure y'all okay

Desiree: Thanks

Prince: Bye*hangs up*

Cat: *crying* MOMMY!! MOMMY!!

Desiree: *goes in her room* yes baby

Cat: Daddy gowne

Desiree: *picks her up* Come on*walks to their room* Daddy be back.

Cat: *wipes tears*

Desiree: *lays her down* Shhh *rubs her back*

Cat: *crys herself to sleep*

Desiree: *lays next to her and falls asleep*

Hey guys I'm trying to update everything. Hope u like it.

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