Family matters

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Suddenly my head felt heavy I could feel her, I could feel my padawans pain. Even thought she had a force collar on I could feel her begging for my help. I could also feel the darkness near her Dooku that minute I promised he'd pay for hurt her. Rex saw me clutching me my head and came over.
"Sir are okay" he said
"I can feel her Rex, I can feel her pain" I said
"Don't worry, she's strong we'll find her soon." He said even though even in his brown eyes held much concern and worry.
He was a soldier as the rest of the 501st but they cared for there commander a great deal. She wasn't just there commander but there friend and there little sister. If Ahsoka wasn't there the 501st wasn't complete.
"Hopefully" I responded

I finally they stopped torturing me I was exhausted. I had burns and bruises all over my body and was fairly sure my ankle was broken.  I wished more than anything to be with Anakin and the 501st even if we were just conditioning. Dooku and his goons tortured me all. But I didn't crack. Obi Wan  always told me I took after Anakin and thankfully I got stubbornness from him. I've always had it but being with him and his crazy plans probably has made me even more. My stubbornness is exactly why I would probably never pass as Obi Wans padawan. Gosh over the past year I've gotten close with my master. Yes he stubborn, over protective and can be annoying but in some ways those could be good traits and the 501st Rex, Fives, Echo, Kix, and tup and the rest of them including anakin were like a big family to me, a big dysfunction family and I know that there coming even if they had to search the entire galaxy they'd not stop looking for me.

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