Stapler + hand = great mix

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Guess what? Best way to get popular? Staple your hand(ok please don't it actually really hurts and isnt worth it).

TL:DR at the end

So at first in class i was only thinking about stapling my hand but then two people i dont talk to a lot came and sat at my table and i had asked "what do uou think someone would do if i stapled my hand?" and it just continued off downhill from there. One of them said that they didnt know but i should do it. The other guy agreed. I was waiting for the teacher to leave the desk where the staples are and when he did i walked up with a paper so it SEEMED like that was what i was doing. At first i tried it on my hand nothing happened do i thought there wasnt any staples left but i tried it on the paper and there was still some and i tried it on my hand again but it didnt work. I tried again and i felt a thing clip at my skin and i pulled my hand out and low and behold there was a staple in my hand. Yeah i stapled my hand everyone was freaking out. Like they were REALLY freaking out shouting stuff like "omg she stapled her hand!" or "holy shit she actually stapled her hand!" overall everyone was yelling about it. But im fine. It was kinda painful? Like my brain knew that i had done some stupid shit by stapling my hand so it tried to render the pain but it didnt work so it was just little pieces or pain around a certain area. It still hurts a little rn but thats not a big deal. Tomorrow that news is probably going to spread like wildfire. So yeah.... That was an exciting day.

TL:DR. I was dared to staple my hand in advisor and i went up and did. Everyone was freaking out and yelling. It was a little painful but not really. It was exciting

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2019 ⏰

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