Chapter 3

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Jayfeather POV

It was sunhigh, and I was just getting back from collecting herbs from my garden by the abandoned Twoleg den. I went straight to my den after a curt nod to Cinderheart. When I got there, I scented Briarlight, even through the smell of herbs. I dropped my herbs to sort them later and went over to Briarlight. "Hey, Jayfeather!" she exclaimed happily.

"Hey, Briarlight," I said, warmth in my voice. "Can I talk to you about something?"

"I don't see why not."

"Do you want me to tell you straight up?"


"Okay, then. Will you be my mate?" She squealed happily.

"Yes of course! I can't believe you asked me, of all cats!" She squealed again, this time in complete love and happiness.

Dovewing POV:

I was slowing down. I could feel it. I had just missed a squirrel that had run right in front of me. My mate, Bumblestripe, asked me what was wrong. "I don't know. I just don't feel like myself," I admitted. It was a good thing that we were just heading back because I was exhausted, though I normally have more energy than that.

"When we get back, go to Jayfeather and have him check you out," Bumblestripe said, worry edging his mew. We collected our fresh-kill and headed back. As soon as we got there, I went straight to Jayfeather.

"Jayfeather? Are you in there?" I asked.

"Yeah, Dovewing. What's wrong?"

"I don't feel like myself anymore. Can you see what's wrong. You or Briarlight?"

"Sure." Jayfeather came out and looked at me. "You're pregnant," he said.

"Pregnant?!" I exclaimed, shocked. "With how many kits?"

"Four," Jayfeather said. I went to go tell Bumblestripe. When I told him, he quickly said that he would go tell the queens. I went to tell Bramblestar.

"Hey, Bramblestar! Are you in there?" I asked when I got up to the Highledge.

"Yes, Dovewing. Why?" he asked.

"I need to tell you something," I said. "I'll come in there." I went into Bramblestar's den and told him that I was pregnant.

"That's great news!" he exclaimed. "Who's the father?"

"Bumblestripe," I said. "He's going to tell the queens." With that, I left and went to the nursery. When I got there, Bumblestripe was just coming out.

"They're preparing a nest for you," Bumblestripe said as we walked past each other. With that, I went into the nursery. When I got there, the queens greeted me, and I went to the nest that they had made for me. I settled in, looking around to see which queens were there. When I got settled in, Ferncloud, the oldest queen, asked me if I needed anything. I told her that I needed a piece of fresh-kill. She said that she would get me one. Then she left through the entrance, coming back a few moments later with a rabbit dangling from her mouth. She dropped the rabbit by my feet and went to her own nest. I thanked her for the rabbit and leaned down to eat it, devouring it in a few neat bites. I then went to lay in my nest, exhausted. I quickly fell asleep, exhausted by the long morning. When I woke up, I saw that Bumblestripe had come in to check on me. I told him that I was fine. After that, he left me alone with my thoughts.

Cinderheart POV

When I woke up after my night with Lionblaze, I noticed that he wasn't there. At first, I assumed he had just organized dawn patrols. When I went out, I didn't see him, so I looked for him where Ashfur was. I looked there, and saw that he was guarding him. "I'll guard him, Lionblaze. You need sleep," I said. He nodded his thanks and went into the warriors' den. I noticed Cloudtail coming over. I nodded in greeting. I checked in to make sure Ashfur was still in there. He was, clearly not happy. I guess I wouldn't be happy either, though, if I was a prisoner in my old clan. "Hey, Brightheart!" I called, seeing her across the clearing. She walked over. "Do you want to guard Ashfur?"

"OK," she said. She took over guarding Ashfur. I walked away, going to see if I was needed on any patrols. When I got to where Lionblaze was organizing patrols, I noticed that he wasn't there. I looked in the warrior's den and saw that he was asleep. He must've already sent off the patrols. I walked over to him and went to lay in my nest, which was right beside Lionblaze's, of course. I slept for what felt like a few heartbeats before Lionblaze woke me up and told me to get ready for the Gathering.

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