12 - Blood suckers!

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Cora's POV

I grabbed Amy's hand, pulling her towards the back entrance of the building. We moved quickly, our footsteps silent as we slipped through the shadows. The sound of the battle echoed behind us, but I forced myself to focus on the task at hand.

We reached the back entrance and slipped inside, the dim light casting eerie shadows on the walls. My heart ached with worry for Rhea, but I knew we had to keep moving and trust that she would be fine. Like she promised. 

"Come on, Amy," I urged, my voice low and my grip tight on her hand. "We need to get to the portal."

"Do you know where it is?"

"No idea, but I figure it must be in the back or in a cellar or somewhere like that. Out of reach. I've watched movies."

"Yeah," Amy agreed, her eyes frantically darting about. 

We navigated the narrow hallways, the sounds of the battle growing fainter with each step.  The air grew colder, and I could feel the presence of more powerful demons ahead. My heart pounded in my chest as we approached a massive, ornate door. It was adorned with intricate carvings depicting scenes of torment and despair. 

Finally, we reached the room that housed the portal. "Is that it?" Amy whispered, her voice barely audible. "The entrance to the Underworld."

I nodded, my mind still on Rhea. "I think so. Let's go. We need to get through before they realise we're gone."

I stepped forward, my hand reaching for the door. As I touched it, a jolt of fiery energy shot through me, the door recognising my presence. It began to open slowly, the creaking sound echoing through the corridor.

The moment the door was ajar, we were met with a barrage of attacks. Demons poured through the opening, their eyes filled with malice. I lashed out with my blades, dancing through the air, cutting down our enemies with precision.

Amy stayed close, using her agility to dodge attacks and strike when she saw an opening. At that moment, I couldn't be happier that Rhea had had those self-defence lessons with her. She wasn't an assassin now by any means, but she could deal some damage and that sure took some pressure off me. We fought fiercely, our determination driving us forward, and despite the overwhelming odds, we managed to push through alive.

Finally, we broke through the demon ranks and stepped into the Underworld. As we emerged on the other side, the dark, foreboding landscape of the Underworld stretching out before us. The air was thick with the scent of sulfur, and the ground beneath our feet felt cold and unwelcoming.

Amy looked around, her eyes wide with awe and fear. "This is it, isn't it?"

I nodded, my resolve hardening. "Yes. We're in the Underworld....I think. Now we need to find somewhere to camp and wait for Rhea. Because I have no idea where to go."

She nodded and snuggled herself closer to my side. I wrapped my arm around her shoulder and we began our journey through the treacherous terrain. My heart remained heavy with worry for Rhea, but I knew she was strong, and I had to trust that she would find her way back to us.

"Stay close," I told Amy, my voice low. "We need to be ready for anything."

We were in the heart of enemy territory, but with Rhea's sacrifice and our determination, I knew we could face whatever challenges lay ahead. We found a secluded spot amongst towering rocks to hide out. Time passed in a drag, with no actual way for us to know how much had passed. I kept a watchful eye out for Rhea, but no matter how much I looked, she didn't come through the portal. Amy's leg shook restlessly as she sat next to me, her head laid on my shoulder. 

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