The President of the USA

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Toms POV

I was still really confused while laying in my big and comfortable bed. The white curtain flowed with the wind that was blowing slightly through the open window. It was already autumn but the air was warm and really pleasant for my lungs. Carefully I lent over to reach the newspaper that always waited for me on my nightstand. It crackled lightly when I turned over the front paper but I couldn't concentrate on the words and pictures that were just right in front of me.
Annoyed by my own incompetence and upset by the fact that I hadn't been as productive as I wished I had been, I decided to put the Newspaper back on the nightstand. The reason for my struggle was this stupid light blue letter. What was this Loki guy even thinking? That he could just send me a letter and from that second on I would only think about that?! Well if that had been his intention, he was doing pretty good. I had opened the letter and at that moment I had signed my downfall. From the second I had read the subject of this damn letter which was 'Job offer as a PR manager for the president' I had been completely out of my mind. I mean what a big honor for a mostly normal man like me. But I had no idea what to do about it.
The first reaction should have been to totally get crazy about the fact that the president himself had sent me a job offer. Mission accomplished. But the second reaction which should have been to confirm and to accept the offer... I kind of missed out on that. That was only because I felt like somebody tried to muck around with me. I mean what the hell was -whoever tried to make a fool of me- thinking? That I would fall for this stupid joke? That I wouldn't know who was our president right now? Just because I am British?!
I reached again out for the newspaper exhausted and tired of all the things that messed around with my life. Second try...
I looked at the front page. My eyes widened and I barely managed to swallow. The headline screamed at me with big squared letters.
"THE NEW PRESIDENT IS ELECTED - our savior is here!"
That was not possible! It looked like I was more British than I thought and had less knowledge of this country as I wished.
Underneath, a picture that almost filled the whole page. It was a high-quality picture that showed a man in a black suit. He smiled at the camera with this toothpaste-advertising smile. His longer hair flowed in little curves back his head and ended some centimeters past his shoulders. But all this look and the mischievous smile weren't as scary as the fact that this Loki guy literally looked like me.
Of course, my hair wasn't as long as his and not colored in black but I could swear that his face looked exactly like mine. I blinked hard, not believing what I was seeing right now.
Was there any brother that I had no idea of? Some relatives that I never got to know?
I shook my head.
That was -again- not possible.
But when I looked back at the picture there were still these eyes looking at me. There was still this mischievous smile. Still those wrinkles in the corners of his eyes.
Another election? Why didn't I notice? I could swear that the last time I looked at the news, Barack Obama had been president and that had been today's morning. Maybe I was just exhausted and therefore hallucinating. I groaned and went through my hair. This day was killing me. Slowly I leaned forward and grabbed my bed sheet. I wrapped myself in it and enjoyed the warmth and the feeling of safety. Just like when I was a little child and hiding underneath it trying to avoid the monsters that weren't existing. I took a deep breath and felt the exhaustion creeping into my body and slowly making me fall asleep...

Suddenly I was on a street somewhere downtown. I heard people screaming. I saw buildings being demolished, smoke and destruction everywhere. A quick look downwards my body showed me that my suit was completely ruined and one of my shoes was missing. How did I lose one shoe?!
But before I was able to start thinking harder of this I was interrupted by a woman who dumbed into me.
"I am sorry," she said and then started running in the direction of the destruction.
"Miss! you are running in the wrong...!" I tried to warn her but she was already too far away to hear me.
A big explosion made me forget the obviously confused woman. A big letter had fallen from the sky and exploded on the rooftop of a building nearby the one I was hiding underneath.
I raised my gaze to take a better look at the building that this tremendous letter had fallen off. I had to take some steps forward because one of the balconies of the building above me was in my sight.
The things I saw made me look like a fish without water.

There was a big hole in the sky. You could see the open space behind it that looked like the galaxy. Was this even possible?!
A huge beacon cut the sky in half and ended in the round entry to another world. I went through my hair and had to blink hard. My right hand was trying to reach a big block of stone that must have been fallen off another building. I had to put my weight on that hand because the feeling that my legs weren't able to carry my weight anymore filled my thoughts. I lent against the stone and looked around.
It was massive destruction. Some little dots were coming out of the hole and flying around the city while smashing into everything and shooting with some kind of blue light. That was so surreal!
I felt like somebody had put me right into an action movie.
Then there was another noise. My look focused on some little silhouettes that became bigger and bigger only some meters apart from me, downwards the street. I wasn't sure if they were friendly or not so I decided to hide behind the rock that I was just leaning against.
They were coming fast towards me and I had to swallow hard. Those creatures were definitely not human. Others were following them. There had to be more than one dozen of them.
I was stuck! Damn it!
My breath went flat and adrenaline kicked in. My heart beat raised to another level and my hands got sweaty. This was bad! The rock I was hiding behind wasn't as big as I wished it was so I needed to kneel on the ground with one leg. Carefully and -most important- slowly I raised my head to take a quick look at those ugly creatures that were wandering along the street. What were they?!
But before I could take a better look at the two people showed up. One of them was a woman, the other one a guy. Both looked really confident and that was a big mystery for me because those aliens -or whatever they were- were definitely in the majority.
The woman was red-haired and wearing a black suit that perfectly fitted her curves also some belts that were wrapped around her waist and her tight. She carried a gun in her left and held the right hand onto her ear, so it looked like she was talking to somebody. All in all, she looked at least a bit like a normal person. She was the complete opposite of the guy next to her. He was looking like he just had jumped out of a comic. Wearing a skintight outfit colored in mostly blue and black but also red and some white. The head was mostly covered in some weird kind of mask and on the back carrying a round shield. The perfect Superhero outfit but I wasn't sure if that would help these two with all those aliens.
I wanted to warn them, maybe they hadn't noticed that they were straightly running towards their death. That was quite unlikely but the only explanation that sounded at least reasonable.
But before I was able to say anything they started to attack the creatures that had now noticed them as well. Soon there was a big fight going on just a few meters apart. My eyes weren't fast enough to follow all the motion that was going on and I was starting to slightly get a headache by trying to follow the fight.
The last thing I heard was a scream, then everything went dark.

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