People who fail me

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Adams POV:

About one week after Tom had visited my shop I was still wondering about the things he'd told me. Was it possible that Tom's dream had been a vision as well? No, that couldn't be true, he was only human and they don't get visions and stuff. Although some did, given that Tom was more the normal kind of guy I hardly doubt it. Engrossed in thought I stared at one of my guitars that was hanging on the wall, slightly swinging because I left the small window open.
But what if they were true? That would mean that the president of the united states of America was a big liar and most important, a villain. But how could it be possible that nobody was able to remember anything? A phenomenon that appeared after the battle was that many people lost all their memories about it and those who didn't could only remember parts. There were no videos abut the battle due to a big power breakdown, on social media, there were only pictures of the president after the fight in victorious poses and his green and black outfit. That was at least what Eve told me. To be honest I had still no clue about those new technologies so it made sense to me that the big Tony Stark became a villain and turned against us. At first, many people refused to believe that their heroes had turned against them, but after many press conferences and a surprising video that showed Stark opening the portal, it all made sense. I was still unsure about some parts of this given that I had met Captain America in person some years ago before he went into the ice for seventy years, but I also thought humans were weak and susceptible to manipulation. They just believe whatever they're told. All of this seemed much too easy like somebody had cast a spell onto the whole world, although I didn't know any individuum that could be strong enough to do so. Anyways, I should talk to Eve about this and ask her if she had these visions too, maybe she had an idea.

Toms POV:

The next days I prepared for the meeting with the president, went back to normal and the common stress of my work. No more incidents. I met a new client who claimed to be a scientist working with gamma rays and who doesn't want to be seen.  I was a little curious about what I was supposed to do in that case, given that my work was about bringing people into the spotlight and not to protect them from it, but after I talked with him on the phone I had a pretty promising Idea about how we would deal with this. I worked on several other projects and with many other clients, while the day of the meeting went closer and closer. The last days had been quite hectic and busy but nothing too bad. But the thing that bothered me the most was that I had to move to Washington, D.C. if I took the job, which I would. I'd have to give up the mansion here in New York, buy an apartment in Washington and move there. The problem wasn't buying an apartment, I had enough money saved, but I loved this mansion and if I were gone nobody would take care of it. Maybe I could find somebody who would like to. I sighed and looked at the papers on my desk. All of them had colorful pictures of apartments and some even of houses on them. My Assistant had placed them there one hour ago with the words I should take a look and consider selling the mansion. I had nodded and he went away to take care of another appointment with a really old client. Since then I was pondering about his words.
Selling the mansion. Just thinking about it broke my heart. In those two years that I have been living here, I had taken the mansion to my heart. It had made me comfortable with the little fireplace and the pillowy couch when I was upset, it had encouraged me when I was down and found an old photograph of my uncles grandfather wearing the soldiers uniform proudly holding a medal, it had brought me so much funny moments with family and friends. No, I could never sell it. With one choice made I now had to find somebody to take care of it.
My first Idea was asking someone from my family, but nobody would be willing to move here. My second thought was asking a friend but there was nobody who lived nearby. To make my assistant do it wasn't even an option and having a stranger here made me uncomfortable.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2020 ⏰

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