Summer Chapter

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BEN: Wow. I'm surprised Slender let us to.

Sally: And he's coming!!

Jane : Probably because it's so hot in here.

Virgo: Summer feels, here we come!!

Taurus : Too bad the others aren't coming.

Gemini : Yah. They still want to stay here.

Slender : Is everyone ready?

Everyone : YEAH!!

Slender : Little Slender? You here?

Cancer:*pops outta nowhere* here. I really don't want to come to this waste of time.

Slender : I don't want to too. But we're the only ones who can look after them. My proxies are staying here, looking out for the others.

Cancer : But I won't swim.

Slender : Me neither.

BEN : You guys coming??

Slender : Coming.

~ at the beach ~

BEN: Why is there no one here?

Slender: I reserved the whole beach. Ask Little Slender if you don't believe me.

Cancer : We threatened them.

Jeff : Those two really are like a couple.


Slender & Cancer : Stop.

All of them : Sorry~

Lost Silver : it ok-okay if we st-stay in our pasta f-form?

Slender : It is.

All of them : YAAAAAASSSSSS!!!!

~ a little while later ~

BEN : Ey, Little Slender, Slender's calling you.

Cancer : Really? What did he say? *focuses on what he/she is reading*

Taurus : Oh, he said that you report to the beach immediately.

Cancer : Really?

BEN & Taurus : YES!!

Cancer : *eyes glows* you're lying.

BEN, Jeff, Taurus, Gemini, Virgo, Pisces, Aquarius, Aries, Scorpio, Capricorn, Leo, Libra, and Sagittarius pull Cancer out of his/her chair and drag her to the beach.

Virgo : Seriously, though. I didn't know that Little Slender was THIS strong. It took 13 of us to drag him/her.

Jeff : And this @$$hole is only using A LITTLE BIT of his/her strength.

Cancer :  .   .   . no offense, I ain't even doing anything.

The others : EH?!?!

Cancer : Yup.

Libra : WE'RE HERE!!

*sees the beach*

Slender : Oh no, Little Slender. They caught you too?

Cancer : *sees Slender drenched in water* Nah, I didn't do anything to get out. Let them have fun. And they did not let them change your suit? I changed into a swim suit. I knew this would happen.

Slender : *snaps his finger and he was topless, only wearing swimming trunks* I could change on the spot.

Sally : *pulls Cancer in the water*

Cancer : Sally.

*the bois see Cancer*

Bois : *nose bleeds* OH MY GOOD!!

/ If ur a boi, here's ur version /

*the girls see what Cancer was wearing*

Girls : *nose bleeds* OH MY GOD!!

/ back to the original/

Slender : *lets out a tendril and catches Cancer* *puts Cancer on his back*

Cancer : Who's up for a fight. *emotionless* *deadly aura comes out of Cancer*

Everybody : RUN!!!!!

Cancer : We're not done yet......

( And that is all for the Summer Chapter!! How'd  you guys like it?!?  I thought of this because we went swimming because of the summer heat!!! How's your summer, guys? That's all. Goodbye pipol !!! )

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