Starting freash

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The resistance was traveling through space with nothing but blackness and stars to see. Time had passed and the resistance was slowly starting to rebuild and bring themselves together.  They had traveled as far away as they could from the first order. They had found a planet that was not used and found an old empire hide out and made that their new hide out.  Rey was filled with joy to see everything coming together. They called a mandatory meeting later that afternoon and was said to be urgent. Rey made her way off the falcon with the last of her things and made her way through the rough grass covered concert. She walked into the old abandoned hide out amazed at the history behind it. She walked up the old stair case with ivy rapped all around the railing. She made her way into the main control room of the base where general Leia and other resistance leaders where. Rey looked behind her to see everyone start piling in behind her and she moved to the front of the crowd to see. There was an old empire meeting table in the center of the room. It had some cracks but served the purpose they needed it for. The resistance had set all their new technologies on the table. General Leia started the meeting " thank you all for coming on such a short notice but it won't be long before the First order will finds us and we have to be ready." Rey listening closely to her but then got distracted.... something was drawing her into a dark room in the back. She turned around and walked towards the dark room. She entered the room to see a lightsaber. She picked it up and ignited it to see a piercing red blade come out. Then she heard the sound of staggered breathing in a mask and people screaming. She turned it off and threw down the lightsaber and backed slowly away out of the room. She went and rejoined the resistance and their meeting. The meeting and just been dismissed and Leia walked up to her and held Rey in another hug. She returned the hug saying nothing about what just happened. Everyone was waking out heading to their rooms to settle in. Rey went to the falcon to get a few of her things off. She went to the cockpit and looking into the room she remembered the vision she had saw. He was so sweet and small making no one any harm. He just wanted to be everything his father was. As she was about to leave the falcon she felt a similar feeling and turned to see a tall man in all back standing behind her, but instead of talking to her see could see his surroundings and watched him practice with hislightsaber. He was so focused and committed he didn't even know she was watching. "Your better than I thought" Rey saying breaking the silence. " Thanks" he said not even paying her much attention. "Why did you want me to join you" Rey asked. This is a question she had been longing to know. Kylo stopped what he was doing and looked at her with eyes so piercing it hurt Rey to look into them. Looking away he said " I saw your potential. You and I together could have been a force unstoppable for a better galaxy we could have made." His figure disappeared and left Rey standing there in shock and disbelief. He believed in her?

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