Thank You!!!

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I know I can't really take credit for half of it because some of the memes were online but the other half I'm proud of because I made them.

It makes me so happy that lots of you guys have voted and commented and I always reply or shout you out. I'm also very sorry for not posting in a while, we were on holiday and the Wi-Fi was very bad. xxx

In celebration, I'll do a Q and A, tagged, thing (idk what it is). I understand if you skip this chapter, it's totally fine. Xx

In the comments, you can answer these too, is love to see your different answers!

In the comments, you can answer these too, is love to see your different answers!

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1. My favourite band is Green Day!! I literally just listen to them all the time 😂😂

2. My mental age is probably something like 3. I've never actually checked before but I'm guessing that's what it would be XD.

3. Hmmm American Idiot, She's a rebel annndd Holiday/Boulevard of Broken Dreams, they are my top ones.

4. I'm currently doing a Marvel movie marathon so I would sayyyyy any of the Iron Mans I think.

5. Uhhh since I mainly listen to green day I can't think of any quotes because I don't really think there are any 😂

6. It varies- weekends are like 9:30 - 10:00 (unless we are watching a movie then it's like 11) but school nights around 9:00 - 9:30.

7. I actually don't know what I want to do when I'm older. I've just chosen my GCSE options but I'm still not sure about a job.

8. My profile picture is a penguin anddd uhh it's cute. (I found it online)

9. Teachers pet. I get really annoyed by the kids in our class who just sit and chat on their phones because I'm one of the few who actually want to get some work done 😂

10. Uhh idk maybe Lynn or Elide (I like her name ok?) I've never thought about it before.

11. I don't actually have one so I'll just say my friend's: Tom Holland

12. Horror movies but I prefer Sci-fi or fantasy really.

13. That's hard but I think Wattpad. Yeah, there's some random stuff on YouTube that's funny but I enjoy reading more soooo...

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