Cinderella???? I Don't Think So!

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Cinderella???? I Don't Think So!

AUTHOR”S NOTE: this is a better and more descriptive version of The Day Cinderella Turned into a Bitch. The other still holds but this one has a lot of new information and will also be edited as it is written. The title has also been changed.

P.S; This book is more awesome!

 P.P.S: Don’t forget to Vote and Comment!

“Ellie!!!” that stupid dumnut of a sister yelled. Oops! STEP SISTER!

"I’m coming....Lauren" I yelled exasperated. Getting up from the pile of clothes that had been given rather thrown at my face to iron I walked to her room.

"Ellie....I can’t see you" Lauren said in a voice that would probably put Rebecca Black to shame.

"You will if you remove those cucumber slices from eyes’ I state the obvious sarcastically. God she’s such a blonde!

"Whatever! You have to clean my bathroom again seeing as how you messed it up last time.” She ordered with her nasally voice. Man I couldn’t stand her voice when she talks and she wants to be the next Adele.

Lauren was my step sister. I really don’t get how one could be that conceited and desperate at the same time. She wasn’t all that pretty and I highly doubted what we saw was her real face.

 "Yeah whatever, it’s not like I have I an option anyway." I murmured hating how they ordered me.

 "Did you say something?” she asked in a fake concerned voice. That made me gag.

 "Nothing. Just how much I love cleaning that room you call bathroom," I replied sarcasm dripping in my voice. But she didn’t catch that.

Before she could say anything Bitch #2 yelled,

“Ellieeeeeeee..... Get your ass down here now!"

“Don’t forget to clean my bathroom" Lauren reminded me as I ran down.

"What is it now???" I asked Leah.

“Where is my triple skimmed low fat latte?" she demanded. Bitch! I should do something to make her look fatter than she already was.

“Umm...." I tried to think which was not easy considering how ' music- her own voice ' was blaring from the background. “In the kitchen."

She glared at me," Get it now." Which mum brings up their kid that way? Wait! Wrong question. How in the name of all that’s holy is it possible to produce such kids? Thank the Lord we didn’t have the same father!

I ran into the kitchen wondering if there was poison anywhere which I could add to her ' triple skimmed low fat latte' As I ran back and gave her the latté her ' mother' called,

“Where is my dress, Ellie?"

Oh fuck. That dress that she dumped on my face. “I’ll go get it.”

"Be quick need to get to the dinner at 7."

Jeez woman it’s only 5 now I thought to myself.

I should have burnt it, maybe then the bitch will realize she cannot go about spending MY dad’s money as though it was hers. Douche bag!

As the bitch clan left, I realised how miserable they made MY life. I was always cleaning their shit!!!ENOUUGGGHHHH!!!!!NOT ANYMORE!!!!!! Time to give them what they gave me all these years-Fucking hell of a life.

It was time for payback. And payback's going to be a MAJOR BITCH.

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