Chapter 4-

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Chapter 4.

"Its not funny!" I said but even I couldn't help that little smile that flickered on my face,"He has to be joking!!!'

It was almost eight in the evening and I was expecting Bitch Clan to come 'home' any moment. And Nathan had left. But not before extracting from me an iron clad promise that I would consider his offer .

Ha! Like that was ever going to happen. Don't get me wrong . It's not like he isn't my type,or that he isn't hot .But guys like him don't ask girls like me out !! It would upset nature's delicate balance. I was afraid that if I said yes, the penguins would die !!!!

He was hotness incarnate . But if had I said yes it would have caused many problems with those two bitchfaced step-sisters of mine .

Just as I thought about that, another thought struck me. I was trying to piss them off anyway !!! Why leave any stone unturned ?!

I had to call him!! This was a once in a life time opportunity !!! A chance to annoy those two and go out with the hottest guy I had ever met !! I would be killing two birds with one stone !!!

I had to call him !!! I had to call him !! I began frantically searching for my phone,when I realised something . I didn't have his number !!! Oh crap ! What was I going to do now ?!

"Just tell him when we're at school Elle." Steve said.

Oh crap !! Did I make my great revelations out loud ?! Why did this only happen to me ?!

But it didn't matter anymore . Tomorrow I was going to say yes to Nathan and I was going to piss of the twin horrors !! It was a foolproof plan !! What could possibly go wrong ?!

If only I had considered what that question really meant .

I was desperately waiting for tomorrow when a thought crossed my mind. What if he was just playing with me and was with the twins? Then he would only make my life more miserable!

We would see about that tomorow. But for now, I wasn't going to sit aside and be a stupid cinderella waiting for my prince charming. I would find him myself if I had to!!!!!!!!

"What if you end up falling for him too?" Mara asked and I sighed. She was the most romantic girl among us. She wrapped up every single thing in silver paper tied across with the tag of 'Love'.

"I'm sorry to ruin your dreams Mara but I will never ever fall for Nathan Cruz. Sure he may be hot and probably the sexiest guy on earth and all...... but he's just not the 'one' for me.": I said and she just looked at me. Okay not just! She looked at me as if I said that World War II never happened.

"You wanna bet?" she asked and before I could say anything Jason said.

"I place all my money on Elle. She will never do anything like that."

Thanks for the trust and all but I had to burst their little bubble of 'Elle will do this!Elle will not do this!'.

"You guys do know that I am going to tell Nathan yes right? I mean I'll first explain everything and all and if he still agress then......." I said a suggestive smirk on my face. If Nathan was Prince Charming then it would be interesting to see how this story works out.




The next day I walked into school with a mission in hand. Finding Nathan Cruz. I walked inside way before the Bitch group could torment me. I knew exactly where to look for him. The courtyard of the school. All the guys hung out there. At least all the guys like him. I mean no one exactly like him but all those who had the 'bad boy' reputation.

I walked into the courtyard and searched for Nathan. He was standing in the farthest corner looking down at something. I walked up to him and by the time I reached him all the people who were there started to stare at me. I was scared. I mean lets admit it. If you were stuck with people who looked like they could tear you apart wiothout a second thought you would be too.

"Nathan." I said and his eyes flashed up to mine. Confused.

"Are you sure your at the right place Cinderella?" he asked and I.glared at him.

"Cinderella? Thats the best you can come up with?" I asked frowning.

"You sure you didn't lose your way?'' he asked and this time I couldn't help smacking his arm.did I just feel an electric current??

"Oww.." he mocked.

"Can I talk to you?" I asked and he was still smirking at me.

"Sure." he replied. "Maybe I should tell these guys what you think of them first." He said alll seriousness in his voice. 

"Ha ha hilarious. Seriusly can we get out of here?" I asked and he smirked at me. Stupid arrogant boy!

"Why can't we talk here?" he asked and my eyes almost popped out of my head.

"Are you seriously asking me that?" I sid and then added in a whisper, "Have you seen these guys? They look like they've come straight out of Jaws."

"That's a bit extreme isn't it?" Nathan asked and I could see amusement in his eyes.

"Thats besides the point.So.." I left it hanging in the air.

"Soo..?"he questioned with raised eyebrows that made him look like he was trying to figure out how th end the worlds hunger.Bloody shit!!he looked so cute!cute?nah!Actually i could feel the non existent movements in my undies..ya that fits.

"hello ..?"an arm is waving in front of face

"Yeah .."I finally replied breaking out of my trance .

Remind me again as to why I was here.Something about revenge and all??? I finally snapped out of my daze and said, " I want to take up your offer."

"Offer?" he asked confusion on his face.

"Yeah. I want to go out with you." I replied and couldn't help that triumphant smile from slipping onto my face when his jaw dropped. Literally.

"Why are you doing this?" he asked and i didn't have to ask what he meant.

"Look, I can tell you everything but you have to promise something." I replied feeling nervous.

"What?" he asked.

"To not get mad and go all gangster on me." I replied and he burst out laughing. Like full fledged laughter. I smiled a small smile too.

"Okay I promise not to go all gangster on you." he said still laughing.

"Okay so heres the thing. I want to get back at my sisters. Far everything they've done to me. And by going out with you I'll be doing just that." I explained but was surprised when I saw an amused smile on his face.

"So what your saying is you want to use me?" he asked and I gaped at him

"When you put it that way_____________" I stopped.

"Lets get this party started Cinderella." He replied making me gasp. Was that a yes? Yeah, It definitely was. Let the games begin!!!




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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2012 ⏰

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