Chapter 18

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"Jen! Mat! Jake! Mom! Dad!" I yelled through MY house which was surprisingly empty. It was 3rd period back at school so I was able to get to my place without catching my friends attention. They don't know I'm here, just to be clear. I only came to check on my family and let them know I'm ok but so far...nothing.

"Help," I heard a small whisper, making me panic and run towards the voice. A chocked sob escaped my throat when I saw the scene before me. The twins were lying on top of each other almost lifeless, Jake was no where to be seen but mom and dad were there. Staring into empty space before locking their eyes with mine.

They weren't the same, far from it. Their eyes were red and their nails were long and sharp. Like fangs of some sort and they shadow.

"A Senari," I whispered as my 'mother' ran towards me. Instinctively, I grabbed a chair, broke the leg and stabbed her heart. She disintegrated before my eyes as my 'father' began to walk towards Matt and Jen. I whistle, grabbed the chair and smacked him over the head, stabbing him in the process.

Once that fight was over, I immediately looked over towards my siblings and ran towards them.

"Guys, are you ok. Please say something. " I pleaded and immediately speed dialed Leo. They both stayed silent, their breath getting shallower by the second.

"Mia whe-"

"It's happening again Leo. They're back."


"Guys, why aren't you at-oh god. What happened!" Mr. Davenport yelled once Leo and I walked into their house with my siblings who were still almost unresponsive. I gave Jen to Mr. Davenport as I shakily sat down. Leo pulled Mr. Davenport down to the lab as I stared down at my hands. This is the exact same think that happened to Kylie.

Only this time I'm not 11, and Kylie' s not alive. Whoever did do this, didn't know what the price was, or summoned the Senari to go after...oh no. If they are then that means...

I need to speak to Leo, now!

"Mia Jen and Matt are fine and are conscious. What's wrong?" Leo asked me, once he arrived back from the lab.

I wiped some tears away and answered ", Leo, my parents were taken over by Senari's."

"Your joking. The last time that happened was when you diminished Demonkaser and the villan council made a very clear warning. Why are they after you again?"

"Because I'm a threat."

"How are you a threat? You didn't do anything."

"I just am ok!" I shrieked, shutting him up. I sighed ", sorry Leo, it's just private ok. Something happened a long time ago and they just found out. Now I need to surrender and in order to do that, they need to hurt me-"

"-by going after the things you love most?" He asked shocked. I nodded, groaning into my hands. Leo sat besides me on the couch and rubbed my arm confortingly, for me. For him, it was just awkward.

"Leo, I...I have to leave Mission Creek," I said, breaking the silence. Leo froze for a moment before asking ", are you sure about this? What about Adam, Bree, and Chase? What about my mom and Mr. Davenport? What about your life here? What's going to happen to us? I mean, we've been friends for a very long time Mia. Do you really want to let everyone you know and love behind, all for what? Fear? Anger?-"

"For you." I whispered.

"Excuse me?"

"For you Leo!" I yelled, standing up ", For you! For your family! For your protection! Not for fear or anger!" I sat back down on the couch and slightly squeezed his arm, "I'm leaving because I love you guys, I love you guys so much that I have to let you go. I know that it doesn't seem like it but I do. You can't tell anyone please!"

He stayed silent for a while, as if debating if he was or wasn't going to stay silent until he said...

"Alright, I'll do it. Only if..." he paused before continuing ", and I can still have contact for emergencies purposes only and you HAVE to come back."


"Mia, it's that, or the deal is off."

I knew he was serious. Leo's just like that. He'd go through mountains of friendship, just for the sake of family. That was just him and sometimes it's annoying but it's Leo. My best friend, my family.

Sighing, I walked over to the fridge and took out a soda can, passing one to Leo. Pushing a button on the can, it opened up into a phone. One of Mr. Davenport's old creations but still a creation itself.

"Call me only in a case of an emergency and I'll be there as fast as possible."


I really wanted to write this for a while now and I hope it came out well. The soda cans came from the beach episode in season 1. something about no technology but you know. Also now that season 2 is almost over and no one really entered the contest, I'm just going to make my own cover title. no biggy.
Also, Mia is going to stay until the Christmas episode which is next. oh and someone very special is coming to see Mia and it's not Jake. can anyone guess who it is and what happened to Jake?

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