Chapter Eight- Boyf...riends?

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I hope I didn't hurt you more. Those words bounced in his skull like a ball. Connor's face, the way he said it. His scratchy voice... All of it. Why did it affect him so much?

It wasn't even the apology. Evan didn't expect one from him at all. It had flown over his head. It was the concern that followed it, making it seem so much more real. (Ha- 69 words-)

It threw Evan off. So much so that he was out of it the rest of the visit. Even when Connor's parents came in and greeted him. The nurses coming in and out and the conversations that he had with the other people. All of it blended together into nothing. But that genuine concern... It stuck.


Evan turned and met Heidi's eyes his own glassy and confused. Heidi could only offer a small smile, before looking back to the road. "What's on your mind?"

"You sound like Dr. Sherman."

"Dr. Sherman is a very good doctor. If I sound like them then I'm doing something right."

"Right..." Evan said, noting the small amount of sarcasm that sat in her voice. But part time of him caught how serious she really was.

She simply shrugged, again, waiting for Evan's response. He wasn't going to get out of this one. "Nothing. I'm just tired."

Heidi hummed pulling to a different street. Evan sat up straight, a little concerned about her choice of direction. "Where are we going...?"

Heidi shrugged, looking to her son. "I just thought we could grab some icecream at the pink berry," she started, pulling the car into a parking lot. "I know how hard it is to see a friend like that. So I thought I'd get your mind off it."

Evan couldn't help a small smile as they both climbed out of the car. It may be getting colder because of the autumn season, but hey. Who was he to turn down icecream with his mom?

As they entered, Evan was left to find a table (his mom knowing what he wanted anyways), his attention was drawn away as he heard his name from a table next to him, his eyes landing on two students from his school. A boy in a red hoodie with giant white headphones around his neck, and another across the table dressed in a blue cardigan and striped shirt.

He waved awkwardly, not used to his name being called. Or people knowing who he was in general. But even more to his shock he was waved too come over by the shorter male. He paused, pointing to himself, getting closer and scratching the back if his neck.

"Hey! I didn't think I'd see you here! You weren't at school," the taller said. Evan chuckled under his breath. People notice when I'm not there?

"Yeah!" The other said, Evan remembering him as Michael. He turned to look at him as he waved at him. "People were talking about you at school earlier. Some said that you were like... Connor's best friend or something. But no one has seen you two together except for that time he shoved you."

My proudest moment... Evan internally rolled his eyes, nodding his head. "I uh... Know Connor pretty well..?" He said, shrugging and wiping his sweaty palms on his jeans.

Michael looked to him then to his friend. "See, Jeremy. I knew Connor always had his eye on him!"

Jeremy narrowed his eyes at Michael looking to Evan. "But other rumors are spreading saying that you two were together. And that's why you two pretended to be oblivious during school."

"Together!?" Evan asked, shocked that people were even thinking that.

Michael nodded, covering his lips as he swallowed his icecream. "Like together together. Jenna was joking earlier about Connor being the top in be-"

"We are not a couple..." Evan interrupted Michael mid scentence. Jeremy gave him a look of 'I told you so!' the whole situation just making Evan uncomfortable.

"See! Just because he wears a polo shirt doesn't make him gay!"

"Jer, my buddy. It takes a gay to see a gay."

Evan rolled his eyes, again wiping his hands on his shirt. "I'm Bisexual if that settles it."

Jeremy let out a "Ha!" At Michael who groan and slid a ten across the table. "That was my money for weed this week. Thanks,"

Evan took it as an opportunity to escape, noticing his mom had gotten their icecream. He went up to her and asked if they could eat in the car. He really didn't want to stay inside where people were thinking him and Connor were a couple.

How many people think that!? He asked himself, making his way to the car with his mom and taking a spoonful (of sugar helps the medicine go down-) into his mouth and popping open the car door.

"Who was that you were talking to?"

"Michael Mell and Jeremy Heere," Evan answered with no enthusiasm in his voice at all.

"You're friends?"

Evan shook his head. "They're pot heads."

His mother nodded, knowing her son didn't get along well in a crowd like that.

"You looked like you were in a rush to get out... Did they say something?"

Evan simply shook his head, shoving a nother spoonful of icecream into his mouth so his mom didn't ask any more questions. Heidi shrugged, taking a bite of her cone, making Evan cringe. How could someone just take a bite out of ice cream like that. Like it was an air-temperature apple.

As they ate in silence Evan noticed that Michael and Jeremy had made their exit from pinkberry, waving back awkwardly as Michael waved at him. Heidi took noticed and waved herself, making Evan sink into his chair. The first time I get noticed in public... My mom shames my existence.

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