Prologue rewrite

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Once upon a time, there was a chief of a grand village on Berserker Island. Chief Oswald was a kind man who traded frequently with a neighbouring village on Berk.

The chief had two children, Dagur and Heather, who played with the chief of Berk's own son, nephew and niece.

Dagur got on well with the boys but, like most on the island of Berk, was bewitched by the beauty of the chief's niece, Moonlace, named after a flower that grew only on Berk.

She was not interested in boys at the time like all of her friends were, mainly on one boy in particular, but she focused more on her studies than her looks.

Sadly, one day Oswald was taken by death and Dagur was placed as chief. The power went to his head, changing him from a kind and considerate young boy into a crazy madman with a terrible temper.

Years later, when the group had reached their teens, Dagur called for the best dragon riders to accompany him on a quest. Berk sent forth Hiccup Haddock (the chief's own son), Astrid Hofferson, Tuffnut and Ruffnut Thorston, Fishlegs Ingerman and Snotlout Jorgenson (Moonlace's brother).

They went off on the quest and were never seen arriving. Their dragons came back unscathed but no sign was ever found of their riders.

That is because, on leaving Berserker Island, a terrible storm hit them two hours of the coast.

"Dagur! We can't continue in this weather!" Heather had shouted to her brother. Dagur nodded and veered off to a small island in the middle of the sea.

The group settled into the castle when a booming knock rang throughout the whole building.

Dagur opened the door to an old beggar woman who smiled a gummy, toothless smile.

"Please sir, I request shelter from this storm. In return," the old beggar pulled out a beautiful rose. "I-I have this rose for you."

Repulsed by her ugliness, Dagur refused the beggar once and when the beggar made her second attempt, Dagur lost his temper.


Suddenly the old hag began to glow, the light was so blinding that Dagur had to look away.

The glow faded and the old hag disappeared. In her place stood a beautiful enchantress. Dagur fell to his knees in fright.

"Please forgive me, mighty enchantress!" He cried. "I was not aware of your divineness, if I had known your identity, I would have given you shelter immediately."

"Save your excuses." The enchantress boomed. "I was testing your regards for strangers. You clearly have none so heed my curse. I curse this place to be home to a hideous beast and his servants. This rose shall bloom until your twenty third birthday, if you can find a woman you love who will return your love, you will break the curse." Dagur smiled at this thinking that the curse was over, the sorceress continued. "However, if the last petal falls before you can get a woman to return your love, the curse will be forever permanent and your islands will forget all about you and your friends. This curse shall last until the end of time, no force on earth can change it." A flash of light and the sorceress disappeared.

The young chief stared at the space in front of him and wondered if he would be a servant or the beast when suddenly, he was racked with pain. The boy howled as hair began to sprout all over his face, hands and body. He grew taller and more muscular and, by the feel of it, he had grown a tail as well. Tusks sprouted from his mouth and claws from all of his nail beds. When the young boy saw himself in the mirror, he grabbed the wretched thing and broke it on the wall opposite, his breathing heavy and laboured.

"Dagur! Dagur! Something happened and-yikes! What happened to you?" Snotlout called, changing his sentence when he saw the chief. Dagur looked at the young, raven haired teen who had been turned into a small and intricate candelabra, then he turned to his sister and saw that she had been turned into a small feather duster (the sad irony, Heather has a terrible dust allergy). He turned to each of his friends and saw that they had been turned into cleaning supplies, grand furnishings and a small mantle clock.

Dagur let out a beastly roar and ran off into the castle.

That was ten years previous, Dagur is twenty three, the adventurers are now all twenty years old, as is Moonlace, and this is where we will begin our story

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