Introduction to my life.

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Name : Gerard Way

Age : 15

Day 1.

I'm not really sure how to start this.

I'm Gerard Way, I'm 15 years old and I'm from Bellville, New Jersey. I go to therapy every now and again and was told that I've to keep a 'journal' of 'my emotions and general goings-ons in my day-to-day life'. Just another crack-pot-headed therapists idea that'll do no good if you ask me. Probably just their way of spying on me some more.

Anyway, basically I've decided to set this out like a blog and write on on it every so often... shouldn't be too hard.

I'm still in high school, which is enough to make anybody seek therapy. I used to have some friends, but we had nothing in at all.

So I started hanging out with some other people from my year. My brother Mikey, his friend Ray (Mikey says he likes Ray but Ray is fucking clueless) and Frank.

Frank was in my math class when I first started school. He never noticed me obviously - I mean why the hell would he? - but if I'm honest, he was the first person to actually catch my attention when I walked into the class.

It was the hair thing.

Both sides where shaved and died blonde, but the middle part was still black and hung over his face, curved around the outside of his left eye and almost touching the tip of his nose. I studied him more. His red eye make-up, his silver nose and lip rings, his black hoodie under his blue blazer and most of all the big cheesy grin he had on his face as he laughed with the girl sat in front of him. I didn't really pay much attention to her...blonde I think she was?

Anyway, that was all during my first year of school, I'm in second year now and I've actually spoken to him now. Actually, I like to think we're friends!

Strange how it came about though, I was rummaging through my bag looking for my maths homework (which it turns out I hadn't done, typically) and he noticed the comic book I had in my bag.

"Is that The Walking Dead?" He said

"Uh...yeah" I mumbled,

"I love that show! Oh my god you're awesome! I love you! let's be best fucking friends for ever!"

Okay, I may have paraphrased a little bit, but that's basically what happened. After that I kinda lurked around a little bit, you know, tried to talk to him again, bit he was always surrounded by friends and ugh.

The next day however, I found some courage and somehow managed to go up and talk to him and his friends. We chatted and I met Ray and everyone else (even the blonde girl, she was actually nice) and they asked if I wanted to sit with them at lunch time the next day.

So I said yeah, obviously.

And he next day I did.

Now it's two months later and I'm friends with Frank.

And I have a major crush on him.

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Sep 21, 2014 ⏰

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