Part 17

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Myself and Andy returned to the hotel after dinner, and to be completely honest I was a little tipsy. He helped me out of the car and we linked arms, walking into the lobby. He directed a dazzling smile towards the receptionists, who all seemed to lose their train of thought, not that I could blame them. We stood before the elevator and Andy pressed the call button. I watched as the number above indicating the level began to descend. We stood in a comfortable silence until Andy suddenly started rambling. "I just want you to know, that if you ever want to talk about your past, about Ted, then I'll always be here to listen, and I promise that." I cut him off with a fit of giggles. It may have been partially due to the Champagne, but he was just so cute. He looked at me, dumbfounded as to why I was laughing. I looked up at him, dazing into those glorious eyes. "I really appreciate it, Andy." I smiled just as a small ding sounded and the elevator doors pinged open. A couple were in the lift, her leg wrapped around his waist and his lips on her neck. The girl, suddenly realising the doors were open gently pushed the boy, blushing an intense shade of red, then marched out of the lift right through me and Andy. The boy quickly followed suit. As soon as they were out of range we both burst into laughter. We staggered through the doors, clenching our stomachs and doubled over with humour, as Andy pressed the correct floor button and swiped his key card. The doors slowly shut and we eventually stopped laughing. I looked up at Andy to see a light shade of pink wash over his cheeks. He quickly looked down, and I looked away as the elevator started to ascend.

"River?" I looked up at Andy and the distance between us suddenly seemed so small. He raised a hand placing it lightly on my cheek. I immediately flushed a shade of bright red as his thumb stroked along my cheekbone. His touch was so soft, gentle and caring. "You really are something... you know," he said, whispering the last two words. He was so close I could feel the warmth of his refreshing breath on my skin. Just as the distance between us was about to disappear the lift doors pinged open, announcing we had reached our floor. He offered his hand as we stepped out of the elevator and through the large doors.

Walking through into the living room the boys were no where to be found. "They're either asleep or, in Ashley's case, clubbing," Andy said as if reading my mind. He look exasperated thinking about Ashley.

"I take it you don't approve of Ashley's antics?" I questioned. "Well," Andy began collapsing on the sofa, "Ashley usually doesn't pay attention to anyone, but he pays attention to you. And I don't like it." I looked inquisitively at him. He just sighed and carried on talking. "The fact that he has a different girl each week doesn't necessarily bother me. Just the fact he seemed to completely stop that behaviour when he met you makes me worry." "Why does that bother you?" I asked. "Because I don't want him to get in the way of something we could have." He blurted out and looked to the floor shamefully.

"Hey," I said reaching forward and grasping his hand, kneeling in front of him. "I wouldn't ever let anyone get in the way of my true feelings." He looked into my eyes, sending me a weak smile.

"Hey, anyone home," came a loud voice from the door way. "Keep it down Ash, don't want to wake up the whole neighbourhood." I recognised that voice as CC's. As I stood up I saw CC and Ashley walk, more like stumble, into the living space. "Hey," I said greeting them with a smile. "Oh hey Riv, I didn't realise you were still about, it's late," CC replied. "Yeah, we got back from dinner a little while ago," I said in response looking down towards Andy. "We..?" CC said tauntingly. "Yes, we," Andy said, also standing and placing a hand on my shoulder. "Ooh, where did you go, what did you have..." CC started rambling on a long list of questions. "Dinner... a date?" Ashley muttered quietly, never looking up. "I.." he began but suddenly broke away from CC, speed walking down the hall and shutting his door with a loud slam. "He's a little drunk..." CC explained rubbing the back of his neck. "Anyway, I'm off to bed, I'm beat from looking after that one all evening. You kids have fun," he said briskly heading towards the rooms. "Hey, you're only a few years older than me," Andy called back, to which he stuck his head round the corner sticking out his tongue, then marching onwards.

"Speaking of which, I should probably head to bed too, I'm pretty tired," I said, looking to Andy. "Plus, I wanna go sight seeing tomorrow, I haven't been this way before." "Sounds like a plan," he replied, "I'm not needed in the studio until late afternoon. In fact, you should join me." This caught me completely off guard. "I.. I would love to, thanks," I said smiling brightly. "Great," he replied and we started heading towards the rooms. "I guess I shall see you in the morning then," he said as we reached my room. "In the morning," I replied. Very quickly he leant down, wrapping his arms around me in a tight embrace. "It's such an honour to have met you River," he whispered, and as he pulled away he planted a light kiss on my cheek. "The same to you, Mr Biersack," I giggled, standing on my tip toes to kiss his cheek. He leant down, brining his face much closer to mine. I diverted around his lips and planted another sweet kiss on his cheek.

"Goodnight Andy," I said opening my door.

"Goodnight River," he said, standing there until I closed the door.

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