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Janice and Dean were going out on a date one Friday night. They went to the movies. Dean paid in full for them to see a re-release double feature of Night of the Living Dead and I Spit on Your Grave. During the majority of both movies, Janice hugged Dean tightly and shivered with fear. She hated horror movies, hated how they always made her feel so weak and afraid. She loved to read horror novels, had been obsessed with Richard Laymon and John Saul since she had been a teenager, but for some reason actually watching and seeing the horror unfolding onscreen was simply too much for her to handle. She had no idea why Dean had even bothered to bring her to this double gore-fest she was witnessing. But Dean had his reasons, most of them being so that he could get close to Janice and hold her. That was why he had taken her to see two movies he knew would frighten her to almost sleepless terror.

After the movies were over, Dean drove them out to Rocky Point, the local spot where teenagers liked to make out in their cars. The radio was blasting. Norah Jones was singing her hit "Come Away with Me", and Janice and Dean felt like she was singing directly to them. Dean kissed Janice passionately, his tongue meeting with hers and their teeth touching gently as she moved from her seat into his lap, their hips rocking to the beat of the music as Norah Jones faded off and Michael Jackson's "The Way You Make Me Feel" started pulsing from the speakers of the car. She ran her fingers through his thin brown hair. Dean had his hands firmly cupping Janice's ass as they kissed harder and heavier. Then, he removed one of his hands and grabbed one of hers. He pulled it down from where it was caressing his face and towards the bulge in his jeans. He pulled her hand down so that she touched the tented denim of his cock, and she pulled away, her lips pulling away from his violently.

"What the fuck are you doing?" she asked, her face red with both anger and embarrassment.

"I just thought we could have a little fun," he replied, "you know, fun." He winked at her as the last word escaped his mouth.

"Well, that's not the kind of fun I'm in the mood to have tonight, so why don't you just fuck off?"

"Hey, babe, I'm sorry. I just kinda got caught up in the moment, you know?"

"I don't give a fuck. You can get caught up in your own moment when you're jerking off later, 'cause you're not getting shit from me."


"You heard me. You're not getting any tonight, you asshole."

"So what are you saying? You wanna end this night already? It's barely ten o'clock. Besides, it's not like we haven't fucked befo—"

She stopped him before he could finish that sentence. "I don't care, Dean. You're insane if you think I wanna fuck you after you made me watch that shit tonight. Just take me home. Now."

"Fine, whatever."With that, he put the car in gear and started driving off. As his foot hit the gas pedal, he muttered under his breath, "fucking bitch."

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