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Janice, with tears in her eyes and trickling down her face, looked back to see that the killer was only about fifty feet from her now, with Dean's head having been removed from the hook and being held in the killer's real hand by the hair. The head swung with every step the killer took, blood no longer splashing from the clotted wound. She immediately regained her composure as her basic instinct to survive overtook her fear and grief and guilt and she started running as fast as her body would allow her, dodging trees left and right as she created more and more distance between her and the killer.

As Janice was running, she could hear voices not too far ahead of her. They sounded familiar, and she hoped and prayed that it was someone she knew, someone that could save her from the raging psychopath chasing after her with her boyfriend's disembodied head.

She started running faster and faster, the voices growing louder and louder with every step. Her limbs burned with fires she couldn't see, and her lungs were straining to take in air.

Suddenly she stopped. There was a silver Mustang parked in a clearing of trees just off the path. There was only one person in her small town that drove a silver Mustang. It was her friend Matthew Banks. She had known Matt since kindergarten, and she knew that, no matter what, he would help her get away from the madman with the hook for a hand.

What the hell am I going to say to him, she thought, will he even believe me? I know I sure as fuck wouldn't.

As Janice got closer to the car, she could see Matt and his girlfriend, Meagan, making out in the front seat. She ran faster and right up to the passenger side window, slamming her hands onto the roof of the car. The two lovers jumped up, frightened by the sudden banging on the car. It took them a moment, but Meagan looked at the window and motioned for Matt to roll it down.

"Jan," she said, "What the hell are you doing?"

Janice was out of breath, and her response came out in short gasps. "Fucking... psycho. He... killed Dean... hook for a hand. Holy... fucking... Christ."

Matt looked at her, confused, and said, "Jan, calm down. What the hell are you trying to say?"

Janice regained her breath for a moment. Quickly, barely taking in any air between sentences, she told them both about all of the events that had transpired that night.

For a few moments, no one said anything. Suddenly, they all heard heavy footsteps coming towards them, one foot sounding heavier than the other.

Matt's eyes grew wide with terror as he looked back and saw the large man with the hook, holding Dean's severed head by the hair, getting closer.

He shot a frightened glance at Janice. "Get in the fucking car," he said.

Janice climbed in as quickly as she could. Matt tried to start the car, but it wouldn't turn over. "Fuck," he said.

"What the fuck, Matt?" Meagan said, her voice high with fear, "why won't the fucking car start?"

"It's the starter. I've needed to replace it for a while, but I just haven't had the—"

"JUST FIND A WAY TO GET US THE FUCK OUT OF HERE," Janice screamed. Both Matt and Meagan just stared at her for a moment, surprised at how truly frightened she was.

They looked back. The killer was almost at the car now. He was getting closer.

Matt turned the key.

The killer was just five feet away from the car.

The engine roared to life. "Skulls" by the Misfits started blasting out of the speakers. It was like Glenn Danzig was the killer with the hook, begging for their heads.

The killer was two feet away from the car.

Matt put the car in reverse.

The killer was at the car, trying to open the door with his hook.

Matt backed the car up, shifted into drive, and gunned it down the path toward the highway. They all heard a loud, high-pitched screeching sound as they pulled off. They hoped it was just the tires peeling out.

They reached the edge of the forest in two minutes flat. When Matt turned onto the empty highway, they all let out shaken sighs of relief. They were home free.

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