The Trek

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Branden and Matt go off and talk as Nick, Daniel and myself get ready for a long trip. I grab my spear, a bag, and a set of light clothing.

"Here." Daniel says handing a mask to Nick and me. They aren't like his or Branden's, because these are wrap around masks, where their's are velcro. "It helps keep out the sand when it blows around. Also you'll need a pair of goggles. Keep the sand from getting in your eyes." He hands us both a two pairs of goggles. "Always have a spare, according to Branden anyways."

"You were really cool, until you said that." I say.

"Cool or not, I'm alive." He replies.

"Are you though?" I say. "I feel like you don't really have much of a life."

"It's hard to have a life when you are born into a state of constant civil war." He says, and I have no retort. "Didn't think you had a come back."

"That's terrible." I say.

"It's my life." He answers. "Branden did have a retort at least."

"That's a shock." Nick says, wearing both the mask and a pair of goggles.

"What was it?" I ask.

"Think I have you beat. I mean, I'd take a civil war everyday rather than running from twenty foot tall reptiles with massive teeth." He says, then chuckles.

"No, I believe I said that I would rather be born into your life then being chased by twenty foot tall reptiles that fly, swim, hop, slither, and run faster than me." Branden says, coming back with Matt. "All while trying to test out my best friends machine that I wasn't sure would actually work and could kill me by sending me back to before the Big Bang happened."

Daniel loses it. "That's right!" He catches his breath. "I was expecting the reaction they gave me when I told you. Not a chuckle and that answer."

"Okay, to be fair, you were being gloomy all the time and honestly, I feel like dinosaurs running around and could kill you by stepping on the wrong spot, is a lot worse than a civil war." Branden says. "People shooting at each other, or massive reptiles that put most skyscrapers to shame that want to tear you to shreds with their mouths." He holds up his hands as he says these and puts one higher than the other.

"True." Daniel says. "So, are we good to go?"

"Matt and Somer are heading to the portal, so I'd say that we can start our trek to the Scorched Earth." Branden says.

"About damn time." Frost says, coming up to us from the forest. "The longer we wait, the more time Favors has to build up his base camp. He's faster at bringing in people since he has more resources and a lot of blackmail on everyone."

"Well, we'll see you all there." Branden says, grabbing Frost by his shoulder. "Hop on Rex and Everrest, they'll bring you to the border where we'll meet up and take you to the new campsite."

"Don't forget the headset." Daniel says. "Or the walkie talkie. We'll tell you if anything happens to us or the base camp, and you guys let us know if anything important comes from Matt or Somer."

"See you in a couple hours." Branden says, and the three of them disappear.

"I really wish I could do that sometimes." I say.

"Preaching to the choir." Nick says, then we climb onto Rex and Everrest, me then Nick, and they start to almost gallop, well a light jog towards the border, I assume. "How do these wolves know where their going?"

"My guess is the traveling they did with Branden and Daniel." I say. "They probably are used to the directions that they just know where to go."

"So, what would you normally be doing by now? On a regular day that is." Nick asks, trying to make small talk.

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