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He's not sure exactly when it started. Sometime after they closet talk he's sure.

He's not sure why he didn't stop it.

But the moment he and sho are alone?

He got a kiss. A simple peck on the lips that lasted only a second.

All he would do is blush as sho pulls away licking his lips.

He could tell the other to stop. Tell sho he dosent want this.

But he cant. Or dosent want to?

Sho keeps muttering in his ears.

Reminding him of the deaths.

"I had to do it for you." He would whisper into his ear from behind him before kissing his neck with a small peck.

"It's hard to control myself when your not with me." He would admit. And to Izuku that means Sho will only missbeave if he's not around. They should try to always be close.

"Am I a bad guy to you my love?" Izuku would grab both of his cheeks and peck his lips. "No. Your not..."

"You understand everythang I do is for your own good." He would coo any time Izuku begins to feel gilt for those deaths.

He's not sure when. But it started to make sence. Sho is only hurting bad people after all. Sure its extream but he's not a bad guy.

He sits up in his bed. It's still really early. But he wanted to get a drink. His eyes shift. Next to his bed was sho. Fast asleep on his floor. With a blakent and pillow for warmth.

He found himself staring at that face. The face of someone who adores him so much. Shifting he moved out of his bed his feet just next to the covers warming the other.

Breathing in he leans down to get a closer look. His eyes going to a hand sticking out of the covers. Hands that have been bloody for him.

For him.

Showly he moved his hand lightly touching the hand but he quickly pulled his hamd away when his touch make sho mumble pulling his hans into the covers. "Iz... u...ku..." He mumbles in his sleep causing izukus cheeks to go completely red.

Even In his sleep.

This undying affection. All for him.

He shakes his head going to get his drink before coming back.

Feeling surprised when he saw sho was sitting up lookinf at him. "Ah... You got a glass of water." He mumbles souding releaved.

Izuku looked at him. "Were... You worried that i wasent in bed?" He asked making sho nod his head. "Yes. I'm always worried when your not in my sight..."

Izuku licks his lips moving to sit on his bed. Setting his drink on the bedside.

"Sho... Would you... Lay with me..." Izuku found himself asking befire His cheeks go completly red as sho seemed stunned his eyes widening.

"I-I mean it's cold... And my bed is warm i dont want you getting sick... You lay in here so often so it also must be hurting your back to-"

He was cut off by lips pressing aginst his. Hands moving and restimg on his shoulders before pushing him down the kiss deepening a leg going between his legs.

It felt good. It felt so good to be kissed by sho as he faintly tryed to kiss back. But when the thy moved more upwards he broke the kiss turning his head away. "S-sho... That's..."

"I'm sorry. For a moment... I wondered if i was dreaming."  He voiced breathy as he shifted a lightly bit Izukus ear making him sort of yelp. "But in my dreams... You always asking for more." He whispers as Izuku.

Izuku, my Angel, Ill protect you~Where stories live. Discover now