Chapter 5: Dead is the New Alive

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I'd watched a ton of movies over the years. Read the articles. And yes, I knew all the stuff about smashing out the taillight with your foot so you could waggle your hand through the gap to try and alert people behind. I was aware that staying calm and trying to ascertain the direction in which the car was travelling or listening out for distinctive sounds could help in identifying your location. I knew all that.

But the problem was when you've been stuffed in the trunk of a car by two vampires, one who was the size of Goliath, and the other who could climb like some kind of vampire Spider-Man and run faster than Usain Bolt on acid, it was pretty hard to remember abduction escape 101.

It didn't take long for my growing panic to reach a crescendo, and after trying to remember the routes out of the area in my mind and mapping the car's path as it left the forest and hit civilisation, everything was lost in a sea of oh god I'm going to die, I'm going to die, and that was it. I had no idea where I was or where they were taking me.

The one thing I did know, however, was that these two vampires had made a crucial mistake.

I still had my backpack, which meant, I still had my knife.

Whenever we got to their destination, I wasn't about to give up without a fight.

Managing to shirk off the bag, I unzipped it, withdrew the blade, and waited.

After waiting for what felt like an hour, eventually the car slowed to a halt, the engine still running, and I heard the click and whirr of what sounded like an electric gate. A few seconds passed, and the car moved again, the distinct sound of tyres on a gravel driveway underneath.

The Discovery paused again, and this time, I heard another sound – the rumbling of a garage door maybe – and the car reversed onto a smoother surface and finally came to a stop. The engine died and the car doors opened, and my heart juddered. Manoeuvring myself into a position I thought might be more advantageous when they opened the trunk – not that I had any real idea how I was going to defend myself from in here, before they managed to overpower me – I listened for their footsteps, which stopped close by.

'Are you serious?' the vampire called Michael said, slightly muffled through the trunk lid.

'Well, I don't know if you noticed, but I was a little preoccupied at the time to think about anything else,' the other vampire retorted gruffly. 'Damn Sensor kicks like a bloody mule. A crazy mule.'

A crazy mule? What the Hell did they expect?

'And I was a little preoccupied trying to outrun an army of Cerberean.'

'Which you managed beautifully, my friend, as always.'

'Piss off...'

It went quiet, and then one of them mumbled something indiscernible, before the other chuckled.

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