Kira Maho ((redoX2))

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Name:Kira Maho






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Despair Form:

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Despair Form:

((Yeah she did a seance and fused a dragon with her so she says))

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((Yeah she did a seance and fused a dragon with her so she says))

Talent:Ultimate Occultist

Reason Of getting talent:Her parents forced her to do a really risky Seance and it succeed causing her to get scouted

Personality:Shy, Nice, Sweet

Likes:Her friends, Drawing, Writing

Dislikes:Her talent, Animals

Disorders:Zoophobia, Anxiety

Crush:Gundham Tanaka ((he likes her actually))

Backstory:Her parents were really abusive and mean and always forced her to do spells and seances which hurt her a lot one day they did a spell on a dog to to make it rabid and tested it on Kira to see if it worked or did and now she is afraid of ...

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Backstory:Her parents were really abusive and mean and always forced her to do spells and seances which hurt her a lot one day they did a spell on a dog to to make it rabid and tested it on Kira to see if it worked or did and now she is afraid of her parents, Animals and has a giant scar on her leg((that was the risky seance))when she got accepted to hopes peek she was happy to finally get away

Survivor, Victim or Blackend:Survivor

Theme Song:

Ship Song:

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