Holy fuNk this is WeIrD

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Tom just laid on his bed. Now that Thomas and Tord have gotten off it, he thought he deserved a nap. His back and neck were sore from the couch, and he was hella tired. Tom, being the rambunctious sleeper he was, had accidently rolled off the couch numerous times, banging his head and torso hard on the floor.

"Hey Tom," Thomas said, coming into the room. "Sleep well?"

Tom groaned and shoved his face into a pillow. "Doesn't matter."

"Yeah it does. Two large assholes took over your bed and forced you to sleep on the couch," Thomas laughed. "I think it definitely matters how you slept."

Tom rolled his eyes and sat up. He looked up at Thomas. Why the fuck was his doppelganger so tall?

"I slept fine. I'm gonna have to wash my bedsheets though. I have to rid them from the scent of Communism," Tom joked. Thomas chuckled, as he sat down on the bed.

"Stupid Commie," both of them said in unison. That resulted in them both laughing like morons.

Thomas wiped a tear off his face, and smiled down at the smaller version of himself. Tom looked up and met his doppelgangers beautiful blue eyes.

Tom's heartbeat sped up, as Thomas's hand slowly slid up Tom's bare arm. The only thing Tom was wearing to cover up his chest was a tank top that was way too big for him.

Thomas's hand came to rest atop of Tom's shoulder. The two males never broke eye contact.

"This is gay," Tom said under his breath.

Thomas laughed. "This is way more than just gay. It's weird on many levels. But I know you're enjoying it."

Thomas leaned in closer to Tom, lips barely hovering above the smaller man's ear. "I've only known you for a week, and you're so willing to let me get so close to you. What happened to the Tom with the shielded off emotions?"

Tom gulped, sweating nervously and blushing red. He didn't know how to respond. He didn't know he could be so sexy at times.

"What? You don't have an answer for me?" Thomas asked, pulling away from Tom's face, and slightly tilting the shorter man's chin upwards. Tom struggled to find words.

What the fuck. What the fuck. What the fuckkkkkk

Thomas's eyes narrowed, as if only to focus on Tom. "You're so pretty. God, how I wish I had been blessed with your eyes. Instead they got wasted on my Tord."

Thomas's voice was so smooth, so calming. Tom was basically melting under Thomas's gaze.

Thomas leaned in closer.

This is so wrong

Tom's eyes fluttered shut as he braced himself for what was to come. He knew it was messed up. Couldn't this be considered incest?

Thomas closed the gap between them, and hungrily kissed Tom. Thomas's hand gripped the back of Tom's head, tugging Tom's hair gently. Thomas licked Tom's bottom lip, and Tom hesitantly opened his mouth.

What the fuck am I doing?! Tom mentally screamed at himself. What they were doing was wrong on many, many levels.

Thomas's tongue explored every inch of the smaller boy's mouth, as Thomas allowed his free hand to wander around Tom's body. Thomas slid that hand over Tom's arms, and on Tom's sweatpants, eventually sliding his hand up Tom's shirt.

Tom let out a small yelp, and he pulled away from Thomas. Tom's doppelganger was smiling smugly.

Edd burst in the room. "I heard Tom scream. What the frick happened? Where's Tord? Do I need to separate a fight?"

Edd looked between the two Tom's and was mildly confused.

"What's going on?" Edd asked. "Why did Tom scream?"

Matt and Tord gathered behind Edd; Matt looking towards them in confusion like Edd, while Tord stared deep into Tom's eyes. The Norwegian scowled.

Tom looked away from Tord and instead looked at Edd and cleared his throat.

"I stubbed my t-toe," Tom lied, nervously biting his lip. "And it hurt."

Tord's fave darkened and he looked distastefully at Thomas. Thomas met Tord's gaze and smirked, winking.

Tord almost went to strangle the imposter, but he restrained himself. Instead, he stormed back to his room.

"Are you sure that's what happened?" Edd asked, slightly suspicious.

"Yeah," Thomas said, before Tom could speak. "I watched the whole thing happen. This idiot tripped and stubbed his toe."

Tom shot Thomas a glare, and Thomas replied with a smirk.

"Okay," Edd said, taking one last curious look between the two Toms. Edd then walked away.

"Be careful Tim and Timothy!" Matt said with a smile. The ginger proceeded to follow Edd.

"I actually have a brother named Timothy," Thomas said, after the boys had all left.

Tom was gonna say something about the kissing, but he decided against it, instead he talked about his brother.

"I have a brother named Tim," Tom said. "My friends don't know about him though."

"Why not?"

"Because," Tom said, self-consciously. "He's way more successful than I am. I don't want to introduce him to my friends and for them to start comparing me to him."

"How's he more successful than you?" Thomas asked.

"He's a doctor. He's married. He just has an all around good life," Tom said, starting to slightly tear up.

Thomas gently set his hand on Tom's shoulder. "Hey. It's okay. You're great in your own ways."

"Yeah right."

"No it's true. Whether you choose to believe it or not, I actually prefer you over any of your friends," Thomas admitted.

"That's just because you're me," Tom said.

"Well yeah," Thomas said. "And I could tell you need some self love and appreciation. So that's what I'm giving you."

Tom blushed and looked away, stifling a laugh. Thomas was being stupid.

The larger man wrapped Tom in a hug. "I love you Tom!" Thomas shouted, not loud enough for the others to hear.

Now Tom couldn't help it. He was laughing. Damn, Thomas was one stupid and confusing gAy.

Damn. Tom had really grown attached to him.

Maybe it was because Tom finally had someone he could talk to about his problems. Someone who could relate to him and offer advice and try to cheer him up.

Tom smiled up at Thomas.

Someone who seems to truly care for me.

So uh
Tim is gonna be in this story because I like Tim
If you dont know who Tim is he's a fan character thats often portrayed as related to Tom in some way (I chose brother). They look similar, and both share the void eyes. The thing is, Tim's also portrayed as being more successful.
Pay is gonna be in this too! (Fan character of Pats twin brother who does drugs and crack)
So yeah
This story isnt gonna be Thomas and Tom making out the whole time I swear
Its relevant to the plot I promise XD

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