07. Hi

802 45 2

' oh...  If it isnt chipmunk '

My eyes twitch to the mention of that nickname

'chipmunk my ass'

I gave him a brief glare not to mention the confused expression of the girls..... Sensing the tension between me and the newcomer.....

'soooooo' the seokjin guy trailed off...trying to ease the tension...

All their attention drifted to him waiting for him to continue....but me and the guy didnt budge as we held another staring contest....

' why dont you join us jungkook ' seokjin suggested and this time this made my attention turn to his...almost burning a hole in his head due to the stone cold gaze i gave him....

This didnt go un notice by seokjin since his uncomfortably sitting there shifting his position from time to time....

' I dont see why not ' he obliged

Not to mention the way hes squeezing himself just to sit infront of me.... Made me really irritated.....

I tried my best to ignore his presence but this guy is really annoying as shit...

His shoes  making contact with mine under the table while i tried avoiding his but this guy is stubborn as hell as he tries to hook is feet with mine....

On the outer we look like a group of friends having nice lunch...on the way how my friends laugh contrast to the outburst of jin all seems normal in our table....



For me...i guess

I dont laugh to their jokes nor the energy to listen to one....

Just kept my own world...

Until i felt i light tap on knees...

I snap my direction to the front just to see him already smirking...

I swear to god if other students are around us that time i wouldve beat the crap out of him....

But seeing the current situation where other student would steal glances at our table knowing their eyeing the one whos infront of me....

Is quite irritating...

I smirk as i intentionally kicked his leg back and cause the table to jump... Shocked at my comeback he decided not to utter anything and just smile awkwarldy to his hyung muttering a small sorry....

Giving me glare afterwards....

I looked at him with my blank eyes and lips pressed to a thin line....

Neither one of us breaking contact...

Until jin intentionally coughed to get our attention...

Just the i realized their eyes were already on us....

' so jungkook i guess you already met chaeyoung ' lisa stated...eyes flickering between me and jungkook...

' of course they already met didnt you heard jungkooks  nickname to chaeyoung earlier ' jisoo playfully smacked lisa's elbow as she say...


' I bet theyre really close now which chaeyoung  rarely lets anybody give her nickname including us '

'oh really ' jungkook raised an eyebrow

' well gotta say i have my ways with girls they just cant resist my charms ' jungkook shamelessly bragged about...

' whatever jungkook atleast im still World Wide Handsome ' jin cutted....

And the whole table erupted in laughter which is im not impressed of...

I abruntly got out of my seat and made my way to the door not bothering to look back...

' chaeyoung  where are you going ' lisa questioned as their eyes quickly averted to me

' room'

' But classes dont start until 1 '

' ill just roam around '

No replies heard then continued walking

' hey chipmunk '

I stopped at my track and faced him the one whos been getting into my nerves
the moment i stepped inside this school...

' why dont i esco-


' Shut. The. Hell. Up ' 

I pressed on a hard glare towards him and he seemed intimitated by me on the way gulps

The whole cafeteria grew silent

As i took the iniciative to take my leave

Leaving the shocked expression of students... Especially my friends and his...

But his expresseion is my favorite...


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  -

I made my way toward the rooftop to get all the stress away

'didnt know school is this hard...might as well stayed in house than dealing with incompetent brat such as that coconut guy'.

'i sighed in annoyance and let the breeze hit my face freely as may hair danced similarly'


' just come out already '

   - - - - - - - - - -- - - --  - - - - --

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