Chapter 11: Harry

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The sun is shining, there's a beautiful breeze and it feels like the perfect day to sell a house.

Louis draws the curtains of Simon Cowell's massive estate. He looks outside to see the wind blowing in the trees before switching on the modern gas fireplace and giving a quick dust to the rather large self-portrait of Simon over the mantle. After a brief reorganisation of the pool table and an eye-catching layout of Louis' personal real estate pamphlets, people begin to filter into the open house for the day.

"It's a pleasure to meet you," Louis chats his way around the estate.

"I live down there," he quips with a man and woman gazing over the patio balcony.

Louis preoccupies himself, shaking people's hands and sharing quirky stories that can only boost his sales ratio. He tries not to think too much about his personal life, although it's hardly a bare thought when he's treated to such a view.

"I like it," a young man critiques. He's wearing an unbuttoned, pale blue dress shirt, paired with a tacky lapis necklace and a visible amount of chest hair. A curvaceous faux blonde with sunglasses on her head intriguingly rests by his side. "I'm liking it."

"Yeah?" the blonde voices, seemingly impressed.

"Yeah, it's a good space, you know?" the man quirks an eyebrow in a suave manner. "It's a good vibe."

"Yeah? Terrific," Louis beams and the man impressively nods. "Well, when the evening breezes comes through, it is majestic."

"Thanks," the man winks, placing his hand on the woman's lower back.

"I'm excited," Louis beams at the couple.

"We'll let you know," the guy nods, ushering his girlfriend away from Louis, who receives a polite thank you from her as they walk along, deeper into the estate.

Louis beams as he turns around. He's entirely pleased with himself. He's already achieved a great amount of progress so far and it's only mid day.

His gaze travels through the living area, out to the modern stretch of the sleek outdoor patio. A tall, fit man with wavy curls in his long hair stands there with a half-eaten panini in hand. He's dressed in a grey flannel blazer, a crisp white v-neck shirt, rather bloody tight blue jeans and a worn pair of brown boots. From what Louis can hear at his distance, he's saying hello to every attractive woman who passes him by.

"lf you need any help, just let me know," he voices to a pretty brunette with a bite of his sandwich still in his mouth.

"Thanks," she smiles at him, continuing to walk along.

"Sure," he smirks, ceasing to break his gaze.

Louis watches the man from his stance in the living room. Ultimately, Louis decides he can't go on without speaking to the bloke at least once, so he casually saunters out to the patio as the taller lad is still working on his plate.

"Thank you for eating," Louis says to him like it's a secret.

The guy hums in a pleasantly gravelly tone, swallowing down his food, "I'm the first one, huh?"

"Yeah," Louis chuckles.

"I never understood why people are so afraid to eat at an open house."

"I know!" Louis laughs, noticing how the man talks with his hands; panini in one hand, plate in the other. The man turns around to watch over the living room. Louis does the same.

"Why's Cowell selling?"

"He bought a place in Beverly Hills," Louis explains.


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