Part 5: date night

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But I swear
I never loved
You more

You smiled and said
"You look amazing tonight" Said Tom but he seemed hella nervous. He probably said this so many times. Considering he's probably got many girls drooling over him.
"Thank you. And you don't look bad yourself" you said trying to make this not awkward.
He giggled and then you guys started walking to the car. Him being a gentleman,opens the door for you signaling you to go in with a smile on his face.
God that smile.
You giggle and get in the car dramatically so you seem that you have a sense of humor. He starts to laugh and walks to the other side of the car.
*engine starts and then Tom plays Bazzi*
"OMG Tom I freaking love bazzi!!" You said excited
"No way. I love his music too" Said Tom back.
You then started talking about his songs and that's when you knew that you guys clicked right away. It's hard trying to find guys like him at your age. Every other boy at campus was only trying to hit on you and try to get tha- you know what I mean.
*You guys arrive at the theater*
"Hey Tom you actually never told me what movie we're watching"-y/n
"Ohhh. Darling we're watching whatever you want to watch" -Tom with a cute smirk on his face
Damnnn that smirrkkkk gave you goosebumps.
"Oh alright. I mean tbh idk what to watch" -y/n
"Well good movies right now would probably be five feet apart,us,Shazam,and caption marvel"- Tom
" oooo I already watched five feet apart and that shit was soo sad I balled my eyes out"-y/n
"Aww love I would've been there to protect you"- Tom
He wants to protect youuu. Omg. This boy has you feeling all typed of emotions. You chuckled and kept going with the conversation
"Anddd captainmarvel I've already watche-" he then cut off
"Wait ur a marvel fan?"-Tom
"Ummm of course."-y/n
"Um ya same but you kn-"
"Yes Ik your Spider-Man you dork" -y/n
"Alright good. I didn't want you to look at me differently and think I'm this big celebrity" -Tom
"Well I mean you kinda are a celebrity but that doesn't change the way I look at you. Your still Tom and that doesn't change anything. Especially the way I feel abt you." -y/n.
He has this huge smile on his face and looks at you in your eyes. Idk what but the way he looks at you with those chocolatey eyes just gave this spark between you too.

Toms POV
What she said to me sent shivers down my spine. I've never met a girl who just wants to be with me for my personality and how I actually am and not for being famous and my career of being an actor. Y/n gets me. She likes me for being me. And god I've never felt my heart beat so fast. She's making me feel something I've never felt before.
I look into her beautiful y/e/c eyes and I knew there was a spark.
I wanted to feel my lips on hers and to show her that she's different and I'm never going to let her go.
I know that this is only our first night out and talking but I knew that she was different since the time I met her at the airport when she accidentally took my luggage.

She's everything a guy needs.

Back to your POV

He's everything a girl needs.

Alright y'all. This part is more like a romance and feelings part. I lowkey was abt to cry writing this bc like it's just so cute😭. And it's also my first time writing in toms POV and tell me if y'all like it or not.
Also as u can see,I've been obsessed with bazzi a new song. Lmao
But Can't wait to write more. 💕

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2019 ⏰

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