"Now he belongs to the ages"

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Here's the bed where Abraham Lincoln died.

It's in the Petersen House quite literally right across the street from Fords.

The doctors carried Lincoln there because no one wanted the president to die in a theatre, a place of entertainment, so they carried him to the boardinghouse where he eventually died at 7:22 am the next day in April 15, 1865.

Yes, I memorized that.

I've memorized a lot of stuff.

The original bedsheets have been taken, but there's still the room.

The quote up there is from one of Lincoln's attendants who was with him when he died.

Before I saw this there was an really good and really funny presentation by one of the national park rangers. He went into depth about the assassination, Booths manhunt, and the autopsy of the president.

So yah. More pictures coming in a few minutes.

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