My Show Wall!

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I will let this gorgeous picture do the talking for me

I crossed out a few things on the tickets because it had my family name on it

I don't need you people knowing my name.

On the 1776 and Seussical playbill I crossed out the name of the school I saw it at. Or performed at.

That is the playbill for the Seussical musical I was in

If you zoom in there is:

Les Mis
A Christmas Carol
Into The Woods

There is also William Shakespeare
And my pretty tickets

Playbills I want to add to this wall:

Mamma Mia (I saw the musical already but they didn't hand out playbills)
Loves Labours Lost
The Sound of Music
The King and I
Beauty and the Beast (I was also in that show but I don't have the playbill for it :()
The Little Mermaid
Other things by Disney

Playbill that will soon be on this wall:

Aladdin. I'm seeing it in a few weeks

So yeah!

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