Chapter Two

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Leo's POV

When Percy fainted, Leo had to fight the urge to scream at anyone who was near him. He had to work on the boat to find Calypso's island soon or other wise he'll forget the design and probably get even more mad. But if he left then and there, while his friend is laying on the ground unconscious, he would look way too suspicious.

Leo hadn't told anyone about the incident on Calypso's island, Ogygia, yet but he knows that from the minute that he got there, that he was in love. He thought it was funny of what falling in love had done to him. He seems not to be so ADHD, if that's really possible. But at the same time he seems so much more ADHD in his head because he had to figure out the perfect way to get to her island and find that she is perfectly safe.

Leo didn't realize he was just standing there until Hazel and Annabeth smacked both of his arms at the same time.

"OW!" Leo screeched, while Annabeth did her favorite "Death-Glare".


"Okay, there's no need to scream at me." He said as he rolled his eyes.

She grabbed his shirt collar and said in a very low, very firm voice, "If you don't do something now, so help me I will do some very cruel things to you."

"Oh, yeah? Like what?" He knew he shouldn't have said that but she was being very demanding and he was stressed, so it just came out.

This time, she slammed him up against the wall as hard as she could, then threw him across the room. It wasn't a hard enough throw to knock him out it just made him a little dizzy and a lot more mad. He could feel his face turning red as he sprinted towards Annabeth and tackled her. She didn't fight back much, just shoved him off and elbowed him in the stomach, then knelt down to where Percy was lying on the floor. He didn't know why he or Annabeth had just attacked each other. Well, he thought that she was just worried that Percy wasn't okay, but the reason Leo had gotten THAT mad, he had no idea. He had never, before, attacked someone like that if he wasn't in battle. He thought it was very un-Leo like.

Piper had gotten some nectar and ambrosia, and a glass of water. Annabeth grabbed the glass of water and threw the water on Percy's face. His eyes fluttered open and he immediately noticed how close Annabeth's face was to his and pecked her cheek. She was startled at first, then smiled at her, now conscious, boyfriend. He smiled back and tried to get up, but apparently didn't have enough energy and fell back down.

"Well, now that your not unconscious, I'm going to go now." Leo said as he slowly backed away, then ran into something. More like someone. It was Jason.

"Where're you going?" He asked with a curious smirk on his face. "It's your turn to take watch on deck."

"Why can't someone else go. I have a lot of work to do and I can't afford to forget it."

"Well, if you don't want to take watch, then why don't you tell us what you have to work on so badly?" Jason said as he raise his eyebrow.

"I... Just.... I'm going to go take watch on deck." And after that he sprinted up the stairs. When he reached the deck, he ran up to the front of the boat and checked that no one was on the deck. He then turned back to face the dark blue sea ahead of him and just stood there for who knows how long.

He stared off into the distance until he noticed a cruise ship off into the distance. He thought about the Princess Andromeda that Annabeth had told him about. He almost pulled the alarm, but when he heard a collection of clicks and ticks coming from the metal dragon head at the front of the boat, one of his best friends, Festus, he stopped.

"Hey, Festus! Sense any monsters around?" He asked with a huge grin on his face.

"Click-click click-click-click." Festus said in his special little language that only Leo understood.

"Hmmm.... That's odd. Don't you think it's weird that there hasn't been any monster attacks ever since Percy and Annabeth came back? They seem so different. Especially Annabeth. She's really starting to get on my nerves now, but don't tell her I said that. She would kill me." He said that last part with a small, low chuckle. "At least I still have you, Piper, and Jason, and I guess Hazel and Frank. I just don't know them that much, but they seem nice, I guess."

He was still kind if freaked out that Hazel had died then come back after 70 years and how Frank had grown like three inches after that incident with the poisonous cow things. But he still felt better around them, then with Annabeth and Percy. He thought Percy was kind of cool but he had become pretty intense ever since Tartarus.

He was still wondering how to tell his friends about Calypso. Obviously, it wouldn't be very smart to talk to Percy about it considering the fact that he had gone to Ogygia when he was younger and had left her to be all alone until Leo came. He thought that it was evil of Percy to leave her there, but he also would've destroyed the whole earth if he hadn't left.

He could tell Jason because he trusted him the most out of all the seven. They had been best friends since Wilderness School, well, technically none of that was actually real until the Grand Canyon, but still. He's known him the longest.

He would then tell Piper, Hazel and Frank. He thought that they were his second most trusted people on The Argo II. He would explain everything to them.

Then, after that he would tell Annabeth just because of her skill for building things and maybe she could help with finding a way to find Calypso. Leo wondered if Annabeth had known about Percy's visit to Ogygia. If she did she never talked about it, because either she was jealous or maybe the subject never came up. He hoped that she would not be as intimidating as she was at dinner and he hoped that they wouldn't fight.

And then he would have to find a way to tell Percy.

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