Prolouge: Kimberlie

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In the year 2014, a 16 year old teenage girl named Kimberlie Rodriguez has completed both the 2003 anime version of Fullmetal Alchemist and Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood. She fell in love with this series and wished to be apart of the Fullmetal Alchemist world. Kimberlie is a special girl, a first class anime otaku along with her friends that attends the highschool she goes to. She is an average height girl, about 5'4, slim body, brown eyes, and brown hair that appears black sometimes, soft as hear skin. She dreamt about being in the Fullmetal Alchemist's World, even coming up with a type of alchemy that she wants to specialize in, Ice. She likes the idea of making things out of ice, and she loves the idea of using her ice alchemy to help the Elric Brothers. She studied up on how to transmute ice, the transmutation circle for it, everything.

One day, at last, Kim finally gets her wish. She drifted off into a deep slumber after watching the latest episode of the new Sailor Moon series, and as she awoke later, she saw a whole lot of nothing. Everything was just empty space, no walls, no ceiling, nothing. Kim stands up and looks around.

Terrified, she loudly says, "Where am I?!"

"You're here with me of course," said a voice from behind Kim. Kim, startled, turn around and saw a white figure with no face, no clothes, and blends in with the nothingness.

"Who are you?" said Kim. "Where am I?"

"Who am I?" said the mysterious figure. "One name you might have for me is the world, or you might call me the universe, or prehaps God, or prehaps the Truth. I am All, I am One. So, of course, this also means that I am you. I am the truth of your despair, the inescapeable price of your boastfullness. And now, I will bestow upon you the despair you deserve."

Behind Kim, a door slowly constructs itself out of the nothingness. "The despair that I deserve?" questioned Kim. "What 'despair', if any, do I deserve? I haven't done anything."

The figure grins widely and spoke, "Walk through that portal and find out, if you dare." The door behind Kim was completed and began to open up. The darkness from the door was now glowing with the opening of a gigantic eye. "On the other side, awaits your beloved."

Kim turns around as she is grabbed by multiple tiny hands. She tries to fight and resist, but the hands were too strong as they torn her apart piece by piece, pulling her through the door. She reaches out to the white figure as the door begins to close. "I'll be back for you," she said, as the door closes shut in front of her face. All she see is darkness as she blacks out.

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