Chapter 17: Hatred

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A.N Thanks to all those still reading - just remember, comments mean the world to me and just dropping a line or two to let me know if you liked or hated the chapter or even just a few words, would be amazing.

"The Shifting Sands. The next stage of Final Training where your intelligence, agility and determination will be tested to the utmost by a range of different environments. Partnership will again be highly important and unless you can work with your partner..."

The next briefing. It all fluttered by like loose leaves in the wind. I remembered the night before I'd drunk enough crimtane to replenish my blood, drugging myself into a slumberous kind of daze. Details flickered by: some fixated, others discarded. Christian Riverane was joined by a woman: eager, brown-haired, forgettable.

"Knowledge of dangerous beings would be valuable in such a Stage with a diverse range of creatures being placed into the Stage - both of a Level Three and Four danger rating..."

Alaysa's hair was a burnished gold that afternoon, the strands mussed up lightly as she rested her head on Valeryan's shoulder. His eyes were bloodshot from last night: crimtane and cigarettes dragging him into a different sort of hangover. Alaysa had barely said a word about it. Not that she needed any.

"After the briefing, we will be giving you ample opportunity to discuss further tactics with your partner as would be advised. Remember, this is Final Training, and the chance to show your skills is unique - your aptitude for certain skills and your results impacting greatly on your future assignment..."

Crimson caught my eye, holding it far longer than anything else. Christian Riverane's scarred hands, the scarlet welts just peeking out from thick bandaging. I recalled the futures from last briefing and saw the way the scars split his palms. So that woman was dead, a blackened body in some back-alley.

"Perhaps an excellent idea would be to seek out partnership activities down at the Training Centre. The price is minimal and the staff can teach you bonding strategies to better cement your relationship with your partner. In Final Training, partnership is key..."

Stellaire was in the audience too. I hadn't seen him since I'd attacked him a month ago. He was on edge again, a whetted blade ready for blood. Everything about him seemed sharper - too sharp - someone you could slice yourself on. Every time they mentioned the word 'partnership', his posture grew more rigid. He didn't look my way the entire briefing.

"That's all for now - the Shifting Sands will be another surprise wake-up call and it can be any time from now on - best be on your guard."

Stellaire didn't look at me as he left the briefing, his movements cutting through the crowd like an arrow.

I felt tired.


 "What did you expect?" My father's voice was a blade of truth and it cut through me without any kind of regard for me. Typical - though it isn't like I came to him for fatherly comfort. "You beat up the boy, he isn't going to want to be in the same room with you again."

"I didn't expect anything because I wasn't thinking anything," I muttered back. "He pushed me too far - and when anyone does that, I react. It's normal. People get over it."

"You know who you sound like right now?"

I shrugged, not bothering with the guessing game. He proceeded ahead. "You sound like Lasseter."

"Is that some kind of warning?" I shot back. "You going to kick me out too?"

"Lasseter attempted to murder me to claim my power," he muttered. "You've got some way to go before you incite that kind of repercussion as me disowning you."

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